A nightly meeting

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Question of the day: Would you rather be immortal and rule the world forever or have unlimeted money and die normally?

(I don't even know how POV's work anymore lmao. 3rd or 2nd person pov I'm not sure)

You were currently seated on your desk chair. A horrible posture adorned your back for about three hours now.

You were putting your arts and crafts skills to good use!

After Eri's visit you had learned that everyone had cool -and slightly ridiculous- looking hero outfits. And Eri had collected the shitty plastic figurines of them.

So you decided to use your art skills to make her some better figurines. Of everyone. The shops left out a lot of your friends. 'Bastards..' You taught irritated.

A bunch of clay figures lay on the left side of the desk. Some were already dry while others were just finished. All of them the same white air-dry clay colour. You would have to paint them later, preferably tommorow.

You were currently working on a 'Ingenium' figure. By wich you meant Iida... 'Why did he have to make his costume so detailed...?' You internally moaned in frustration. Your back hurt and your hands had grown cold.

A painfull stretch was done by you and you heard at least two things 'crack'. Swiping the hair out of your face you got some clay in it aswell...

Looking outside you could see the sun dissapearing slowly leaving the sky fiery red and pink instead of the cool blue and grey.

Your phone's playlist played a diffrent song that really fit the melancholic feeling you had right now. It was nice to know atleast someone understood you. Your playlist of '666 songs'!

You had wanted to finish all the clay figurines today but seeing as three hours had only gotten you half your class, you had to do the rest tommorow.

A knock sounded just as you finished your tought. "Come in!" You somewhat yelled.

Jirou came in slowly. The little ear-cords moving by themselves as she looked at you. A grin plastered on her face as she saw your dirtied form.

Clay in your hair, ears and clothes. A sight indeed. "Dinner is almost done." She said as she picked one of the dried figurines up.

A laugh escaped her as she looked at it. "How come your making us all into figurines? I had taugh you hated most of us?" She examined the figure paused and mumbled the last part.

A little arrow struck your heart at the last sentence. Sure you didn't like all your classmates but you didn't hate them.

It was somehow against your nature to hate someone if they hadn't done anything to you. Your purpose.... You had forgotten long ago. Or had you yet to find out? You could swear that you knew it before.

You decided not to comment on her sentence and just plop your headphones out of your fluffy ears. Already missing the music but knowing that it might come off rude you turned towards Jirou.

"Eri really liked playing with hero figurines but I found the quality really bad. I have too much free time anyway so.." You briefly explained. Jirou nodded at you and put the clay-figure back. "Thats really nice of you L/N." She noted sincerely with a nod.

You stood up, your back popping painfully as you groaned. You opened the door of your dorm again and stepped out Jirou trailing you.

You had finished the figurines yesterday. It was what your were thinking about as a certain someone smacked you across the head for.... A big number of times again.

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