|Black Clover - Start |

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! Summary of all dimensions before this one !

-MHA: You got forced to be a hero, trained to use your magic ability (being able to make transparent red shapes with your mind, draining for your muscles) and saw some-one die for the first time.

-Harry Potter: Learned magic and more training of your powers. You get to keep your wand. First kill of your life, not a happy experience. Now on talking terms with Kai.

-The rising of the shield hero: Went a bit cray, got even more ankle chain trauma, became friends with Kai, went on a monster killing spree, felt betrayed, you're now 'misundertsood lol'. Found out you're immortal.

♕Question of the day: Listen to framed - uhh (This is a command, not a question)♔

(3rd person POV)

A load of forests beneath you. A little village in the distance....

Perhaps... You could not crash this time... Maybe stick the landing for once...

You had just fell into this dimension. Seems pretty normal, trees, fields, a little village.. Yea, nothing out of the ordinairy-

"What the hell is that?!" You exclaimed mid fall as you turned your head, seeing a giant skull, big enough to be considered a damm castle.

"No clue." You heard Kai, right above you. The shadow was just floating along as you fell to your death. Luckily, you were cool now, so you just caught yourself in time. Landing safely on the forest ground. 

Perhaps that village that you saw would be a good starting point. And since you didn't want to speed trough these dimensions too fast, for fear of landing back at Kai's place, you'd see if this place is any fun to live in.

You stretch real quick, easing away the stiffness of having just escaped another attempted kidnapping. You bet Naofumi's raging right now. Not your problem anymore.

Your old backpack had fallen right beside you. Wand still there... barely working phone... solar charger... random clothes. Oh my space being, and your ugly ass hero suit. What a treat. You throw it onto your back and continue being alive.

You begin to walk trough the richly covered forests. Strange animals could be seen in the corner of your eyes, birds singing their mating song, trees rustling in the wind. Yea... Pretty nice.

You let out a loud exhale at the peacefull enviroment. Taking a leisurly walk trough the thick forest. Calmly looking around, no rush.

One of your ears twitched as you caught a harsh scream from somewhere. Your mind was telling you to not go towards it.... But since you found out you were immortal.... Whats the worst that can happen?




Well, you were wrong. You had crept up on some loud little kid smashing things with a big sword. A greatsword, maybe?

And, by the almighty space being, he made your ears hurt. You even held the fluffy things in your hands to not get braindamage.

You observed this... thing as he slashed rocks. A little bird on his head, seemingly unbothred by it all.

Untill that damm bird made eye contact with you.

It chirped loudly and pecked the boys head. He obliviously looked around before seeing you. He stood frozen for a moment. 

He probably tought he was having a moment, discovering a strange demi-human in a bush that had been looking at him. You saw it in his eyes, all sparkly and curious.

Dimensions | A (anime/fictional) various x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now