Stare down

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Question of the day: Arson?

(3rd person POV)

"No, it's really simple Y/N. You have to swing your wand like this. Not how you're doing it!" Hermoine corrected you moving your arm a bit up.

This was the twelved time she had corrected you on this stupid spell! Ugh! But you had to perfect it before the upcoming exams! Wich started tommorow!

You hated exams..... But there was no choice but to do them. This was a school after all. Remind you, beter then your old school... Atleast.

"Hermoine I told you before. This isn't my wand it doesn't work well!" You seethed. Tragically, you hated having other people critisise what you do. It was for the best most of the time but it still annoyed you.

"I'm not believing you untill you actually tell me whose wand that is." She rolled her eyes. You had ofcourse kept it a secret that this was Voldemorts wand. Only Draco and Harry knew at the moment and you already found that too much secret-keepers.

You groaned as you got in spell casting position again and twirled around the foreign wand. A spark flew out. To you it seemed brighter before. But it still missed the target, a pillow.

You threw your head back to glare at the ceiling instead of Hermoine and took a deep breath.

"Any more tips?" You sarcastically asked but she didn't seem to pick up on it. "Hmm, put your feet farther away from eachother and keep your back straight." She tutted with a pointer finger pointing at your flaws.

You nodded for the sake of passing your exam and did as she said.

You did the spell again and it finally hit the pillow. You jumped in joy and shook Hermoine's hand in joy and gratification before bolting out of the classroom before she could critisise you anymore.

You lunged out of the first open window, you were on the third floor so you caught yourself just before hitting the wet grass outside... You know to not die?

'One subject down, six to go.....' Your joy deflated just as quick as it had come and you groaned out loud since you were alone and outside.

You plopped yourself down onto the wet grass, not really caring about your now wet uniform as you lay on the comfotable ground.

It was quite windy today and you could see the clouds pass by rather quickly. The sun shone down on your face and warmer your cold insides-

"Y/N~" a sing-sang voice spoke from next to you.

You already knew who you'd see and groaned while rolling your in their direction.

"Go away Kai. Your gonna get us caught and then I'll have to explain you to the old weirdo we call the headmaster." You spoke with irritation. He didn't seem fazed and just stared at you instead.

"You're beautifull." He muttered while his only noticable feauture, his red glowing eyes, seemed to sparkle.

"I know, moving on." You brushed the complement of. "Also, don't think you can just say things like that. You litterly shackled me to a bed and poisoned me." You snarked at him with furrowed brows.

"Because I love you." He spoke softly. "Please see a pshyciatrist." You rolled your eyes. He chuckled at your 'oh so funny' remark and dissapeared again just to appear again a second later. Right on top of you...

"Hey! What the fuck dude, get off-" You tried to argue even though you could have just punched him in the face. He shushed you with a shadowy finger before his eyes seemed to darken.

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