Hunt and Slaughter

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♕Question of the day: What course do you follow in school (if you go to school)?♔

(3rd person POV)

All in all, it was a pleasant surprise to see how much Raphtalia and Filo had missed you. Tough you, in turn had missed them too.

Noafumi told you about how they had brought Melty back to her home again wich explained why the purple haired princess was no where to be seen.

You missed the little girl who kept Filo busy, because now you were her go to plaything. As proven by the blonde filolial who was hanging on your arm, jumping up and down to get you down to her level.

"Y/N! Play with me! I'm bored!" Filo shook you with a childish pout. You let yourself be manhandled by the chicken child as she pulled and tugged at you. To get you to play with her.

"Fine... what do you want?" You look down at her with an annoyed smile.

"A slide! A really big one!" Filo made made a big gesture with her hands, like spanning the rainbow above her.

"A slide mhh? Alright." You sigh and hold your hand out, using your powers to make a translucent red slide. Making sure its super epic and steep! Uhm... You mean... cool...

Fill stared at the slide with big sparkly eyes. You put her on top and she slid down the big slide with a bright smile.

'You're like Elsa.' Kai spoke in your head. You could feel the teasing smile on his punchable face.

'Shut it, dog.' You roll your eyes as you talk back to him in your mind.

'I'm very sorry to have to announce that you are also.. a dog.' Kai responds in fake sympathy.

'I hate you.' You responded back, a visible deadpann on your face.

'Love you too.' Kai responded in a heartbeat and went quiet again. Maybe you'd get flustered if it was anyone else saying that. But this annoying little prick was what you had to deal with for now.

Filo was standing before you again, she had finished going off the slide and by the look on her face she wanted to go again.

"Whats the magic word?" You bend down to her level, suddenely wanting to teach some manners to the blonde.

"Abracadabra!" Filo shouted with a bright smile, hitting you in the head with a stick that she was using as a wand.

Your eye twitched in annoyance and you practically threw her on the slide to get rid of her.

Filo let out more "Weeeee!"'s as she slid down the elaborate slide in pure joy.

You secretly wanted to go down your own slide too... but after beingtreated like a cute child by Motoyasu, you wanted to appear a bit more mature then before to not get.... well kidnapped and baby-ed again.

So like the big kid you were... You went down the slide anyways because you made it so you can do whatever you want!

Take that world!

"Why are you two on the slide... again?" Naofumi came up to the two of you, you bumped into Filo at the ending of the slide and both of you just sar there like quitly little kids who just ate all the cookies.

"Y/N made it! Isn't it cool?!" Filo asked Naofumi as she looked up at him with that pure childlike joy.

"It is... but another Wave of Calamity is about to take place and I want you both safe and prepared." Noafumi tuts and pulls Filo upright and offers you a hand for you to stand aswell.

"A what?" You deadpanned at the strange event Naofumi just mentioned, having never heard of such a thing.

"Right.. you don't know yet. We heroes have to fight off waves of calamity to keep this world safe. Wich means killing a lot of monsters and protecting civilians." Naofumi explains in a rather vague way.

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