Lake adventure

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(1 of ? for the x-mas project :D)

♕Question of the day: Do you listen to the living tombstone?♔

(3rd person POV)

Four months had passed... Nothing intresting or well how should you put it... Life threatening had happend yet. But in this crazy school intresting things happend everyday.

You had gotten closer to Draco and Harry and his friends. They hogged your time so much you could barely talk to your other friends! Or even just be by yourself.

Everytime you hoped to have a moment of solitude in your house they barged in and started being loud...

You couldn't even hide in your treehouse anymore since Draco would always find you there is no-one else knew where you were.

Oh, and not to mention but his father was still practically sucking your blood out. Quite the awfull experience....

Scars now litterd your right upper arm as if you'd been attacked by a tiger in just one spot.... Multiple times!

You were beginning to hide it a lot. You were scared your friends would overreact if they saw... Just like the first time...

Also... You felt ashamed... Ashamed that you were getting used like this.

But you saw how happy it made Draco, your friend... maybe even best friend at this point. Why else would you do something this extreme to see him happy?

No matter how much it hurt you it was worth it to see him without worries. Treat people like you want to be treated, you know?

Now that your caught up with the amazing life of Y/N we can continue.

"No, please just let me do this myself...." You sighed as Hermoine took your stack of books.

"This is way too heavy for you! I'll carry it." She just responded. "Hermoine, I'm stronger then you. Not even by a little bit either." You said rather rudely but your patience had run dry.

"Oh yea? Prove it then." She said with a cocky grin. You knew what she tought. You had seen her work out sometimes while standing on top of the castle roofs. She'd do some simple excercises. You just tought that this was one of those teen phases and shrugged it off.

You walked over to the closet heavy item. In this case a bookshelve of about two meters and placed your hands around it trying to find a place to hold on.

You lifted it with barely visible struggle and kept it in the air for a bit before putting it back. You turned back around to see Hermoine stare at you with absolute shock.

"So, I'll be taking my books back. Thank you." You said as you grabbed the pile of heavy books. 

You shuffled off quickly in the hopes of walking trough the halls alone for once.... Hermoine was still in shock so this was your chance!

Your dreams were shatterd as a shuffeling sound sounded from the corridor you walked into hastily.

You were now on guard. Yet nothing seemed to move out. Was it hiding from you? No matter, you could hear whatever was breathing and swiftly grabbed it by the back of it's coat.

It was a human. Green robes. Blonde hair. Definitely Draco Malfoy.

"Why are you hiding from me?" You asked simply, thinking that you had maybe done something wrong.

"I wasn't hiding! Also how did you find me?" He stuggled in your grip as you still had him by his robes.

"Were you following me? Cuz' thats kind of creepy Draco. You shouldn't do that." You sighed. You let him go and got out of that corridor but footsteps soon followed you.

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