Oh no.... A problem...

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Question of the day: What would your reaction be to finding your loved ones decapitated in your house?

(Quick Y/N sketch in hero costume ,ignore the weird head,)

(3rd person POV..I think?)

'Is that the league of villains?!' You tought as you looked down onto the criminals on the street below you three. The League of villains seemed to be bargaining with whoever the other group was.

Hawks looked over at yo with a smug smirk, maybe to reassure you? You didn't know. "Y/N, I know you've got the least expirience here, since this is quite serious please stay behind me or Tokoyami. If you feel in danger fly outa there. Got it kiddo?" He instructed you trough a whisper. A serious look shone trough his eyes behind his goggles. You nod weakly as you look over at Tokoyami.

"Don't worry about him. This alley is quite dark so he should have no problem with fighting. Isn't that right Tokoyami?" Hawks seeminly read your mind, then asked Tokoyami a question. The bird-boy gave you a reasuring nod.

"On my mark we take action." Hawks began. "What's your mark?" "Jumping of ofcourse!" "That's stupid." "Shhh, They'll hear you." You both whispered to eachother. You wanted it to drag on as long as possible...

You couldn't attack your... friends... Yet you couldn't let them hurt Hawks and Tokoyami either.. None of them should fight eachother...

You got cought up in your little mind palace making you miss Hawks jumping off of the roof in a blur. You did catch Tokoyami's blur so jumped of after him immeadiatly.

You and Tokoyami landed in the middle of the two groups of villains, you both stood back to back. 'If Hawks jumped first then where is he?! Did he leave us?!' You panicked slightly. You had your reasons! First, you had to not die... Second, you had to act as if you didn't like the league..

Not a second after your landing a feather flew past your head with precision and almost hit the group behind you. All of the villains behind you had masks on... So no way to know who they were. Not that you really cared.

Tokoyami 'summoned' dark-shadow right after. Dark-shadow seemed to be working perfectly in the dark. You yourslef grabbed the portable staff from your pocket and let it expand to it's full length. 

Meanwhile Dabi had noticed you standing right in front of him. He must have been the first seeing as the others looked happy to go slash up some little kids. You stared him in the eye trying to tell him to 'fuck off quickly'.

"Well, well ,well. And who do we have here today?" Hawks said from behind the LOV as he landed there. You heard one of them sigh while the guys behind you gasped in shock.

You bliked and the fight had started! 

A blue flame shot towards Hawks as a knife came flying past your head. You expected a second knife to whoosh past yet it didn't. You looked over and saw that Toga had noticed you too.

You put up a shield around you and Tokoyami to block of any new knifes. Who knows what the other group had brought to the fight.

Just as the shield had been conjoured another blue flame went around it as if it swallowed the sad dome looking thing whole.

'Noted, magic is heat-resistant.' You quickly noted as you looked trough the blue flames.

A feather was flying right towards Twice's head as you looked over. A quick small square of red made sure he could live another day. You hoped it went unoticed by your compagnions..

You let the shield go and shot your self up onto the wall of the alley. You could observe better from up here. Using your 'quirk' to cling yourslef to the wall you blocked any flying feathers from hitting anyone.

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