That time I beat up a captain

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♕Question of the day: Best Hatsune Miku?♔

(3rd person POV)

It's been two weeks since both the incident in the dungeon and.. well who-ever the hell Miguel O'hara was supposed to be.

Just casually completing little missions was nice. Made you feel helpfull instead of destructive for once.

The feeling of earning golden stars for your squad really brought back that feeling of acomplishment you hand't felt since kidnergarden. It was amazing.

Sure, Asta and Noelle were stuck to your side like glue just because you were apparently part of their self dubbed group of 'newbies'. But that's fine, you've had clingier friends.

So as you sit between both of the lighthaired teens, a self made popsickle in hand, Magna explains the rules to you three... and Luck, about going to the knight promotion ceremony. Wich is apparently a very important thing.

As you listen with flattened ears to the third repeat of 'no fighting at the ceremony', wich was defenitly not aimed at Luck, you just observe Noelle's eyelashes. Just cuz. It's not everyday you see someone with such long eyelashes. Pretty princess genes, you suppose.

As Magna yapped on you leaned your head back against the couch, just to see Yami standing right behind you. Wich for your information, was very damm intimidating. So you sat back up quickly, masking your frowning face of terror.

Magna droned on for a while longer before most of the Black Bulls set out to the knight promotion ceremony. You included, ofcourse.

So you all stepped trough Finrals portal and into the capital of the Clover kingdom.

This ceremony seemed to be quite the novelty, seeing all the decorations and stalls around the capital. The citizens buzzing around, noise everywhere. Jeez, you always forgot how important these magic knights were to the Clover Kingdom...

You walk behind Yami, just as the rest of your squad. Black bulls cape on. All the wolf features combed, even! Order of Gordon, somehow.

So as you ignored the nasty looks from passing pedestrians, you and Asta were just talking about the possible snacks you could score here. By wich you both meant food.

After begging Magna for some food, you Asta and Noelle sat down in the stands for the knight promotion ceremony. Gnawing at the grilled food on a stick you had gotten.

Other squad members starting filling their respectfull stands. Waiting for the wizard king to come announce stuff.

You simply spend your time gossiping about people around you with Kai in your head.

Strange people in this dimension, you couldn't lie. That one had a braid over his face. Could he even see? Doens't matter, he's right, it slays.

The big room fills in more and you start to recognize captains from the magic knights exam.

There's that blue guy.. and the armoured lady... and.. green creepy guy. They're all here. How cool!

Obviously Asta's fanboying next to you at the sight... But that was to be expected.

You weren't exactly sure what would be going on here but it seems like you could just lean back and do nothing, surely a lifelong dream.

But no, you were proven wrong for the hunderth time in your journey. Certain magic knights were getting promoted because of the abundance of gold stars they had managed to rake in for their squads. And oh boy, were the glares in the room stiffening.

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