chapter 6: linger

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I'll let this feeling linger for a while.

This feeling of wanting to belong to someone even though I know for a fact nobody belongs to anyone.

This sense of needing to be loved by another person when I understand that I could never love anyone when I haven't learned to love myself.

This obvious hole in my chest that needs to be filled with joy and affection.

I'll let it linger just for a little while.

I'm sure I'll get through it eventually,

Feelings fade away anyways,

So this wouldn't take much and hurt as much as before.

I'm sure that for every cry is promised another smile,

So I won't stay too long on this gloomy train,

I'm sure my station is just up ahead,

Awaits my beautiful ending.

Let it be a person that is loving, a job that is fulfilling, a life that is content or a nice happy ending.

So, for the last time,

I'll let this feeling linger just a little bit more.

Just so I could savor the emotion of being sad,

Just so I could laugh it off on sunny days,

Just so I could reminisce it to kill the time.

So, I'll let you linger just for one more time,

And when I'm done, it doesn't have to linger anymore.

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