Someone told me, "what a tragic story for a boy who had changed for the better but lost a girl who had given up on him."
And I asked, "why?"
"Well, he has changed hasn't he? Perhaps if he would've changed earlier, or realized that she would have been the single best thing to ever come cross in his life, he would've kept everything together. But once until the world is in the palm of his hands, but no one to share it with. Now we haven't got to the saddest part yet. Her. She has been there throughout everything. When time had brought him down to his knees, she had stayed for him no matter. That is even worse in my opinion. To be disregarded or to not realize that she was the only person who believed in your ideals and liked you as a person."
I felt the similarity in between those words, I lost too. And up until I had changed, improved, I realized that I've lost.
"We've all been there. I'm sure of it. We let that one best thing we could ever have slipped through our fingers. Let it be, work, friends, partner. Anything that we figured out it was the best but it was all too late. To regret is such an awful feeling. But hey, we can always make it better. As long as we are not that person again. We've changed."
Such weird sensation hits my body, "does things change for the better even if we realized it too late?"
"Realized or regret? We confuse ourselves with these two words. We only realize when we then became a better version of ourselves and we only regret when we constantly blame ourselves for what happened and not moved an inch from it."
And that strikes me. I've changed and realized that she deserved better and I do too. Perhaps it was a beautiful chapter and not a book.
It was nice when it was,
And it was hell when it wasn't.
Fate has planned out our lives and paved it this way.
To force something that isn't meant for you is just tugging onto a rope tied to a sinking rock.
The best thing now is that you've changed.
I've changed.
And so did you.
We are both going through life.
And we change again,
and again,
and again,
and again.

this time i'll get better
Poetrysome short stories, self-proclaimed poems and presumptuous writings