Chapter 32

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Taylor was speaking with Tree over the phone.

- "I just hope she eats her dinner, Tree" the blonde said.

- "I'm sorry Tay, but I think this can be for the best. How's your mom doing?" the redhead responded.

- "She's so stressed and sad. When I got to the hospital this morning she was screaming at Elizabeth, she left without saying goodbye to her. Then she came back just when Lizzie was finishing some soup she had for lunch, she left crying after telling her that she loved her but was not going to love her to death. She practically begged her to try to get better."

- "I can't even imagine how hard this must be for her. What about you, Tay? How are you handling this? I know you too well to know that you're being your mom's person, Lizzie's person; but what about you? Are you taking care of yourself? Who are you talking this about?" Tree asked, she always knew when and how to keep an eye on Taylor.

- "I'm fine Tree, I'm taking care of myself, I've been writing a lot. And I'm talking to you, sometimes to Blake, but we've not been talking much lately. I know she must be busy with the kids and her stuff" Taylor answered.

- "All you've told me about how you are feeling has only gotten out of your mouth because I've asked first. I'm glad to know you're writing, it's really helpful for you. But seriously Taylor, there is a lot going on right now, it's okay if you need to rest and take a couple of days off. Talk to me, or to Blake, but don't hesitate to reach out for help" the redhead said.

- "Thank you, Tree. It's been hard, I'm worried and sad, I feel like nothing is really working for Lizzie right now, the nurse told me that doctors were considering tube feeding her, that'll break her. My dad's out of the picture, he has been ignoring our calls, our texts, he just says he's so busy with work right now, my mom is falling apart. I don't get to do that, I don't get to fall apart because my mom needs me, Lizzie needs me" Taylor said but in the last sentence her voice broke.

- "They need you, but they need you to be healthy as well, please rest Taylor, get some actual sleep tonight, I'm guessing you didn't sleep much last night. Also, maybe tube feeding Lizzie isn't the worst thing, you know? Maybe if they get her healthier, she can respond better to therapy" Tree suggested.

- "Yeah, you're right. Thank you, Tree. I'll try to get some decent sleep tonight. Maybe tomorrow we'll get news about Lizzie's liver and kidneys functions. I want to be there as soon as visiting hours start."

- "Okay Tay. I'll keep in touch. Talk to you tomorrow, bye" the redhead said before hanging up.

Taylor was exhausted but forced herself to do some research on the best options to help treat eating disorders. She researched multiple eating disorder specialized clinics that had inpatient programs but ended up falling asleep with her computer on her lap.

The next morning Taylor and Andrea got ready and went to the hospital at 10am, they brought you clean clothes, your phone, and another pajama, but you were not in your room when they got there. The nurse told them you were downstairs having a cardiac stress test, but that Dr. Khan wanted to speak to them without you there, so she called the doctor.

- "Elizabeth is very sick. She hasn't eaten anything since you left yesterday, Taylor. We are really concerned; we have decided that we need to insert a nasogastric tube to feed her. But we'll wait until we finish running the tests and get the results. That will probably be tomorrow" Dr. Khan said.

- "Does that mean that she's not getting discharged soon?" Andrea asked.

- "No.... We've spoken with Dr. Maine from her team at the outpatient recovery treatment center and we think that it's better for her to stay here for a longer admission" Dr. Khan said as she did a gesture to suggest them that you were getting closer. They turned around and saw a nurse pushing you in a wheelchair. You looked so frail and so skinny, you were pale and had big bags under your eyes, it was evident you cried all night and didn't sleep well. Your eyes lightened a bit as soon as you saw them.

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