Chapter 11

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After the appointment your mom dropped you at school and told you she was picking you up at 3:15pm, just after classes were over, so you could get in time to the nutritionist appointment. By being late you just missed English class, so you got on time for Biology. The class went well, it was almost time for recess, and you were scared about the questions your friends were going to ask... since you fainted, they texted multiple times because they were worried about you, you answered saying that you were fine, just resting the stomach flu. But, additionally, you were absent on Thursday and Friday, even late on Monday, they knew something was not right. When you went out of the classroom for recess, both of your friends were waiting for you at the door:

- "Lizzie! How are you? We've missed you!" Erin said hugging you.

- "I'm fine! I've missed you too" you answered.

- "Are you feeling better?" Lou asked.

- "Yeah! I'm feeling great" you answered.

They started to talk about something that happened during their math class, as they were in the other classroom you had different math teachers, so they were complaining about a pop quiz they had. You got to the cafeteria to grab a snack: it was cinnamon rolls and papaya. Getting away with not eating a snack as you've never liked cinnamon and since "you had the stomach flu" the papaya was still kind of hard for your belly.

- "But what are you having? You have to eat". Lou said.

- "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine" you said trying to calm her.

- "No Lizzie. You need to eat, let's go get you something. What if you faint again?" Erin said.

- "I'm not fainting again, but I have an apple in my backpack at the classroom" you lied.

- "Okay, let's go to get it" Erin suggested.

Were they suspecting something? Why were they insisting so much... before last week, when you didn't eat, they did try to get you to eat at first but didn't say much after if you kept refusing.

You felt guilty for lying to them, but now you needed to come up with something because you did not have an apple in your backpack. Fortunately, when you were going back to the classrooms area, Erin remembered that she was going to borrow some scissors from her sister, who was three grades below you all. So, you went to Erin's sister classroom to find her before going back to your classroom to "get the apple" but the bell rang when you were halfway between Erin's sister classroom and yours.

- "Crap. I didn't get to eat my apple. But I'll ask the chemistry teacher for permission to eat the apple quickly".

- "Great. We will come and get you for lunch, or if you get out first, come and get us, yeah?" Lou said.

- "Deal. Whoever finishes class first comes to get the other/s" you replied.

You had chemistry, spanish and math, then finished class before your friends were done, so you went to their classroom and waited for them. For lunch you grabbed some vegetable soup and ate half of it. As you were eating, your friends didn't seem to worry.

- "So Liz, Why were you late this morning" Lou asked.

- "I was at the doctor's, my mom freaked out with the fainting thing and scheduled so many appointments. I actually have another one this afternoon, so she's picking me up right after classes are over" you answered.

- "But why so many appointments? Are you feeling okay?" Erin asked.

- "I'm fine girls. I don't know, you know my mom, she just overreacts" you felt like your father saying that.

You finished lunch, sat on the football camp to chat with your friends but you were so worried about the nutritionist appointment. You didn't know what to expect. The bell rang and you went to your classroom, and they went to theirs. As your mom said, she was waiting for you at the school parking lot in the car at 3:15pm.

- "How was school, Lizzie" Andrea asked.

- "It was okay, how was your day?" You answered.

Andrea had spent the day reading and doing research on how to support a teenager with an eating disorder. Of course, she researched when Taylor was sick, but Taylor was already an adult when it became obvious she needed help, so Andrea was feeling kind of lost on how to help a teenager struggling. However, Andrea was not going to tell you that, so she just answered:

"It was good too. I've been working a lot."

The rest of the ride was quiet. You were extremely nervous; you were anxiously picking at your nails and furiously body checking your wrists and collarbones. Once you got to the treatment center you looked at your mom and said:

"Mom, what if we don't do this? Let's go home. I promise I'll decrease my workouts, I'll eat more."

- "No darling. We need to do this" she said firmly.

You knew you had no way out of the appointment, so you just got off the car and went to ring that damn doorbell for the second time that day.

David greeted you both and called the nutritionist who was going to see you. Then a nice woman who introduced as Dr. Sach came to say hi to you and your mom and told your mom to sit in the waiting room while you had the appointment.

You followed Dr. Sach into her office. You were extremely anxious, and your vision went blurry.

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