Chapter Two

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Y/n's pov

"Okay, ma'am. Here's the ID and the floor number," I thanked the girl in front of me, making my way to the elevator and patiently waiting for it to open.

"Just head to the office and let them know you're replacing Soohyun," I reminded myself, but before I could finish my thought, someone cleared their throat behind me. Startled, I realized the elevator had opened, revealing five masked girls waiting to board.

"Are you getting in or what?" one of them asked impatiently. I hurriedly stepped inside, feeling their curious stares bore into me, making me squirm uncomfortably.

Are they bodyguards or something? I wondered silently, deciding to push the thought aside. The elevator reached my floor, and as I stepped out, I was surprised to see the girls exit as well.

"Must be a coincidence," I reassured myself, heading towards the office. Seeing them head towards the bathroom relieved me - at least they weren't competing for the same job.

Finally reaching the office, I lightly knocked three times before entering. Inside, a man was on the phone, but he smiled at me and gestured for me to take a seat.

"So, you're Soohyun's replacement?" he asked, clasping his hands together.

"Yes, sir!" I replied with a smile. He chuckled approvingly and handed me a paper. I started going through it. While I was reading he is explaining.

"Are you aware that you'll be managing a girl group?" he asked, to which I nodded. Glancing at the paper in my hand, I realized the enormity of the task ahead.

"Go to all of their events and assist them. Check their schedules regularly. Managers are needed even for practice. Accompany them to their individual schedules too," I muttered to myself, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

He glanced at his watch, smiling at me. "They should be here any minute."

I nodded in understanding, about to ask a question when a knock interrupted my thoughts.

"There they are!" he exclaimed excitedly as the door swung open. My eyes widened in disbelief.

"They're the girls from the elevator," I realized, mentally facepalming at my earlier confusion. So they're idols.

"Hello, guys!" he greeted them warmly.

"Hi, Sajangnim," the girl replied respectfully as they greeted back. I quickly stood up and bowed to them, feeling nervous as one of them lightly gasped. He approached me, standing beside me before giving me a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Son Y/n, nice to meet you!" I introduced myself, trying to muster some confidence.

"Girls, where are your manners?" he asked lightly. One of the girls responded by removing their hats and face masks.

Holy cow, they're drop dead gorgeous I thought, feeling a bit starstruck.

"Y/n here is your new manager, and Y/n, this is Newjeans," he explained, raising his eyebrows at them.

"Oh, welcome. I'm Kim Minji," one of the girls said, followed by the girl next to her, "I'm Pham Hanni." She bowed lightly, and I noticed her non-Korean family name. Shrugging off the thought, I focused on the next girl's friendly smile.

"Hi! I'm Mo Danielle, nice to meet you!" she greeted with an energetic smile, extending her hand for a shake. I reciprocated, feeling her warmth.

Beside her, a girl with cat-like eyes was staring at me, making me slightly nervous.

"Haerin-ah, say your name," Danielle nudged her. The girl blinked and introduced herself, "I'm Kang Haerin."

I smiled, feeling relieved when the last girl greeted me warmly. "I'm the youngest, Lee Hyein," she introduced herself.

"Okay, that was nice. Y/n, tomorrow is your first day, so be here early because they have practice," he explained, to which I nodded eagerly.

"You can go now, Y/n. I just need to talk to them for their upcoming schedules" he said with that I bid goodbye to them and proceeded to go outside.

Well that was unexpected.

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