Chapter Thirty Nine

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Y/n's POV
Today the girls need to be at the company, because someone will talk to them about the collaboration. They have the right to know if it will be continued or not, such a nice timing because I am also going to talk to Sajang-nim.

I didn't bother to eat breakfast with them, I avoided talking to them as much as possible and only saying important reminders. I could see how upset they are especially Haerin who cried her eyes out last night.

I started the car and looked back turning my head to them to check their seatbelts, after checking I drove off. We finally arrived at the company and the tension is undeniably awkward, especially in the elevator.

I let them in first, after getting in, I press the button, fifth flour. The elevator door closed and silence engulfed us, suddenly the door opened, few people got in causing me to scoot closer to the girls, the door closed once again, I looked at the monitor

This is just 2nd floor? Why is there so many people I thought, I was brought but back to reality when the elevator made a 'ding' sound

Finally they will get off

Or so I thought, a few people came inside once again and this time my breath hitched at the sudden contact, I looked to my side to see Hyein, our arms touching, she apologized by bowing.

"I-its fine, its not your fault," I said feeling bad that I am making her feel scared. The door once again opened causing me to mentally facepalmed as I grit my teeth, few people came once again, this time, someone pushed me causing me to go sideways while Hyein got stuck on the corner.

My eyes widened at the closeness, the elevator closed and it started moving, I placed my arm on the wall for support cornering Hyein.

Our body pressed on each other, I couldn't help but to blush as I remembered what happened that night. I looked at Hyein who clutches her phone on her chest, my eyebrows furrowed as I saw her phone lit up.

Is that me?

Hyein's eyes met mine, she might have noticed what I was looking at, she then explained frantically her eyes widening, "Ah, we took this picture on our way home–sorry I'll just change my lockscreen–"

"It's fine, Hyein. Keep it," I said as I smiled softly, I don't even know why I said that but something in me felt hurt the way she panic just because I was looking.

Are they scared to upset me because I might leave them?

Finally the elevator stopped, I glanced at the monitor to see that this is our stop. I didn't notice that I reach Hyein's hand as we excused ourselves, after getting out, I looked at the girls to check if we are complete. But their gaze seems to be looking on something, I followed their gaze and saw I am holding Hyein's hand.

I quickly let go and gave them a soft smile, "Let's go, they must have been waiting for you guys,"

They nodded their head, with that I let them walk first before following them. After dropping them off in the meeting room, I went straight to my Sajang-nim's office. I gently knocked on the door, before opening it, I saw Sajang-nim just jotting down some notes.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Y/n, what can I help you?"

I sat down on the sofa, sighing "I need to talk to you, Sajang-nim,"

"Okay, what is it all about?"

"Uh, it's about me and the members.." I said breaking off the eye contact, I glanced back at him to see him furrowing his eyebrows.

"What happened?"

"I want to quit, sir," I said dropping the bombshell. He quickly stood up, confusion evident on his face. "But why?"

"Sir, I am not bragging or anything, but the girls, talked to me about their personal feelings about me, romantically. A-and I don't want to make you angry, also I don't want to ruin things for them, so I am quitting this job," I explained.

"Why? You don't like any of them?"

My eyes widened, I quickly shook both of my hands, "I-it's not that, they are all wonderful,"

"Then why are you leaving them?"

"Because I am just a manager, and they are k-pop Idols–"

"So what? Does that make you less of a human, I'm sure the girls saw something in you for them to like you, and they are old enough to date the person they like secretly or publicly "

I tilt my head in confusion, why does it feel like he is stopping me from leaving them and encouraging me to think about their romantic feelings for me.

"I don't even know who I like–"

"How will you find out if you're going to leave them?"

Hi guys sorry I just rushed this so if there are spelling errors, I will correct it later. Lunch break is over so gotta go! Vote and follow!

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