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This doesn't actually changes the story line, I just want to make this part for Haerin's birthday! Happy birthday Haerin!

Y/n's pov

I hastily woke up, sitting up and gasping for air, my chest tight with nervousness. Looking around, I sighed in relief.

"Just a dream!"

I tossed my blanket aside and decided to get some water to ease my mind. Opening the door and closing it gently so as not to wake the others, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. As I chugged down a cup of water, I slowly turned and was startled to see Haerin standing there, holding a plushie.

"H-Haerin-ah! You scared me!" I exclaimed. She looked at me and suddenly hugged me.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just... I had a bad dream," Haerin said, burying her face in my neck. I sighed softly, putting down the cup and starting to caress her hair.

"Let's go sit on the couch," I suggested, gently guiding her to the living room and helping her sit down.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked, turning my head to her.

"I just wanna talk," she replied, holding her plushie tightly. She looked like a sad cat, and I couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness.

"How's the idol thingy so far?" I asked. She turned to me.

"It's nice. I've received a lot of love and support from fans, and we have a nice manager by our side," she said. I blushed at her words and looked away before smiling.

"T-thank you. I'll do my best to help you guys," I said. Silence engulfed us, and I was about to speak again when I felt Haerin's head on my shoulder. I looked at her slowly; she was just humming and swinging her feet a little, her plushie resting on her lap.

I giggled at the sight. I was about to put my arms around her but hesitated. After contemplating for a minute, Haerin suddenly spoke.

"It's fine, you can put your arm," she said. My eyes widened, and I nervously put my arms around her. She scooted closer, and in this position, I could smell her hair, which smelled amazing. Inhaling the scent, I couldn't help but compliment her.

"Your hair smells so good, Haerin-ah! And it's so soft!" I said. She removed her head from my shoulder and looked at me.

"Thank you," she said with a slight smile. Then, suddenly, she added, "You know what else is soft?"

I tilted my head in confusion, about to guess what she meant, when suddenly a pair of lips landed on mine, causing my eyes to widen.

Haerin pulled away. "I-I'm sorry, Y/n," she stammered, about to stand up. But I quickly held her wrist and pulled her closer to me, causing her to lose her balance. We ended up landing on the sofa, with Haerin on top of me. I held her waist.

"You don't have to be sorry. Kiss me again if you want," I said, meeting her gaze. I could see her eyes slowly detaching from mine as her gaze went down to my lips.

And with that, Haerin kissed me once again.


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