Chapter Ten

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Y/n's POV
"Are you ready to go now?" I asked softly, noticing the hint of fatigue in Hanni's eyes. She simply nodded in response, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As we made our way outside, I double-checked to ensure we had everything we needed for the day. Bottled water, extra clothes, towel, wallet, cellphone – all accounted for. Satisfied, I led Hanni to the car, holding the door open for her as she settled into the backseat.

Once seated, I made sure to arrange her belongings beside her before taking my place behind the wheel. Glancing at her through the rearview mirror, I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern.

"Did you check your things? Make sure you have everything you need," I asked gently, prompting Hanni to rummage through her bag before confirming she was all set.

With Hanni securely buckled in, I drove us to the ador's building, the atmosphere in the car quiet but not uncomfortable. Despite the early arrival, I knew it was better to be punctual in the fast-paced world of entertainment.

Upon reaching our destination, I parked the car and stepped out to assist Hanni. Offering her my hand, I watched as she hesitated for a moment before accepting my help, a small gesture that spoke volumes.

Entering the building, we were greeted by the hustle and bustle of a busy photoshoot. Cameras flashed, people hurriedly prepared, and the air buzzed with anticipation.

Taking in the spacious studio, I couldn't help but marvel at the organized chaos around us. But before I could fully appreciate the scene, a voice broke through the noise, lightly scolding me for being in the way.

With a sheepish smile, I quickly moved aside, eager to blend into the background and support Hanni as she prepared for the day ahead.

"Y/n," Hanni called out, her voice cutting through the bustling studio. I turned to see her sitting in the makeup chair, her hand gesturing for me to approach. As I drew nearer, I couldn't help but be struck by how stunning she looked, her natural beauty enhanced by the skilled hands of the makeup artist.

"Are you even listening to me?" she teased, snapping me out of my reverie. I blinked in surprise, feeling a flush creeping up my cheeks.

"Sorry, Hanni, you're just so gorgeous I got distracted. What were you saying?" I admitted, leaning in to catch her words over the din of the studio.

Hanni's cheeks tinted pink at the unexpected compliment, but she quickly composed herself. "I was just saying, buy me food," she replied with a playful grin.

I chuckled at her playful tone, nodding eagerly. "Consider it done, Hanni!" With that, she resumed her preparations, and I settled onto a nearby couch to pass the time.

After a quick glance at the clock, I realized it had been half an hour since Hanni's request. Panicking slightly, I rushed outside to fulfill her craving, cursing myself for forgetting to ask what she wanted.

As I walked, I quickly searched for any information I could find about Hanni's favorite foods. Stumbling upon a restaurant with rave reviews for their barbecue skewers, I made a snap decision and placed an order for three, hoping it would suffice.

Back at the studio, I hurried inside, relieved to see Hanni on her break. As she approached, I couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up at the sight of the takeout bag in my hands.

"Hey, Hanni! Got your favorite," I announced proudly, holding out the bag for her to see. Her smile widened, and I felt a rush of satisfaction at having successfully fulfilled her request.

As Hanni settled onto the couch, I stood before her, watching with amusement as she eagerly dug into the barbecue skewers. Suddenly, she patted the space next to her, and I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Sit here," she instructed, and without hesitation, I complied, settling in beside her. She then handed me one of the skewers with a playful smirk.

"Take it, you look like a hungry smashed potato," she teased, earning a mock glare from me.

"Hey, I prefer the term 'hungry panda,' thank you very much," I retorted, before accepting the skewer with a grateful nod.

As we both savored the delicious barbecue, I couldn't help but chuckle at Hanni's playful banter. Despite her teasing, there was a warmth and familiarity in her words that made me feel right at home.

"So, how's the photoshoot going so far?" I asked, taking a bite of the savory skewer.

Hanni shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, it's fine. Nothing too special," she replied, her expression casual.

I smirked teasingly, giving her a playful nudge. "Well, you're the only special one here," I quipped, earning a playful smack on the arm from Hanni.

"Flatterer," she muttered, though a hint of amusement danced in her eyes.

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