M I N J I (II)

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Arriving at Minji's house, I didn't expect her dad to be here already. He looked pretty intimidating, but I appreciated his effort to make conversation with me. "I know that, I used to do that back then," he said, reminiscing about his childhood. I smiled sweetly as I listened to his stories, like how he used to prank his classmates, which made me laugh.

"Come here now, we're gonna eat," Minji's mom called from the kitchen. We stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen, with Mr. Kim trailing behind me. I watched as Minji and her mom removed their aprons.

"Oh my..." I trailed off, eyeing the delicious meal spread out on the table. I immediately sat down, prompting laughter from everyone. "Don't worry, Y/n, Minji will always cook for you once you get married," Minji's mom teased.

"Oppa!" Minji exclaimed, and I couldn't help but feel shy. Minji sat beside me, while her brother sat across from me, her parents at the ends of the table. "Let's eat."

With that, we started digging in. I was pretty excited to try all the dishes, so I didn't hesitate at all. After all, this was free food, so why waste it?

After we finished eating, Minji's mom insisted on serving dessert, despite our protests that we were already full. She brought out a homemade cake, and I couldn't resist indulging in a slice. It was delicious, just like everything else.

After dinner, Minji and I excused ourselves, thanking her parents for the wonderful meal. We headed back to our room, feeling content and satisfied from the delicious food. We also decided to do our night routine first, before taking a rest.

I flopped down on the bed with a contented sigh. "That was amazing. Your mom is such a great cook," I said, patting my stomach.

Minji chuckled, joining me on the bed. "Yeah, she really is. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

We both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, basking in the warmth of the room and the lingering laughter from dinner. Then Minji spoke up, her voice soft.

"Y/n, I'm really glad you're here," she said, her eyes meeting mine. "It means a lot to me."

I smiled warmly at her, feeling a surge of affection. "I'm glad I'm here too, Minji. Thank you for inviting me."

"If you don't mind me asking, what really happened between you and IU sunbae?" Minji asked, turning her body to face me. I hesitated for a moment, unsure how to respond. She must have sensed my discomfort.

"S-sorry I shouldn't have–" Minji began to apologize, but I stopped her.

"No, it's okay," I said softly, gathering my thoughts. I proceeded to tell her about my past as IU's manager, how our relationship developed, and the betrayal I felt when I was unjustly dismissed from the company.

As I spoke, Minji listened intently, her expression shifting from surprise to empathy. "If I were her, I would never do that to you," she said firmly.

I met her gaze, grateful for her understanding. "I know you won't," I replied, feeling a sense of reassurance in her words.

Lying side by side on the bed, I could feel Minji's warmth beside me, cozy yet kind of thrilling. With each passing moment, it felt like the air around us got a bit thicker, like we were caught in some kind of bubble.

"Y/n," Minji's voice broke the silence, gentle and sincere. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Always."

Her words hit me, loaded with meaning, and I felt a swirl of emotions inside. Unsure how to respond, I turned to look at her, getting lost in the intensity of her gaze.

"Thanks, Minji," I said softly, my voice barely audible. But even as I said it, I couldn't shake this weird feeling, like there was something pulling us together, stronger than just friendship.

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