Chapter Twenty One

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"Y/n, can we go there? I promise it will be the last store!" Hanni pleaded, her eyes wide and hopeful. I sighed inwardly, feeling like I couldn't say no to her puppy-dog eyes. With a slow smile, I nodded. "Fine, fine."

Her face lit up with excitement, and she began to jump slightly as we headed towards the last clothing store. Hanni carried her handbag on one arm and two small paper bags in her other hand, while I found myself holding three paper bags in each hand as I caught my reflection in the glass door.

Inside the store, Hanni's attention to detail was impressive. She carefully examined each garment, noting even the smallest flaws. "This one looks good, but I don't like how the zipper is silver," she remarked as she inspected a dress before putting it back on the rack. After some time, she selected two cute dresses and headed to the fitting room to try them on.

As I waited outside the dressing room, I couldn't help but glance at the price tags and feel my eyes widen in surprise. "Heol! One million and five hundred won for a shirt with a small scarf?" I muttered to myself, shocked by the steep prices.

Suddenly, Hanni emerged from the dressing room with a wide smile. "I'm just going to try these on. Wait for me, okay?" she said cheerfully before disappearing back inside.

I took a seat on the small couch outside the dressing room, feeling grateful for the chance to rest. A few minutes later, the door opened again, revealing Hanni, who looked hesitant.

"Y-Y/n, could you please help me zip it up?" she asked nervously, turning her back to me and holding her hair to the side. My body tensed at her request, but I tried to remain composed as I nodded and stood up.

Entering the cramped dressing room, I found myself squeezed in beside Hanni as I zipped up her dress.

"Do I look good?" Asked Hanni as she turned to face me, the dress hugged her curves, and she looked up at me with a vulnerable expression.

The air between us suddenly felt charged as she stepped closer, our bodies pressing against each other. I gulped nervously, unsure of how to respond to the intimate moment.

"Y-yes, it really compliments y-your body," I stuttered, trying to maintain composure under Hanni's intense gaze. She nodded slowly, still holding my gaze with unwavering intensity. My heart raced as her eyes flickered down to my lips, prompting an unconscious lick in response.

I felt her hand rest on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze, which sent a shiver down my spine. "H-hey, I think I should go now-" I began to say, but Hanni's grip tightened on my arm, her nails digging in slightly.

"Is there something going on between you and Danielle?" Hanni's voice was soft but serious, leaving me uncertain about her intentions.

"What do you mean by something?" I asked, trying to grasp the meaning behind her question while keeping my voice steady.

"Answer me," Hanni demanded, her voice taking on a stern tone that made me gulp nervously. I shook my head, denying any accusations from her.

"That's good then, Y/n. I have something to tell you," Hanni said, her voice softer now.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual despite the growing tension in the air. Then, without warning, she dropped a bombshell.

"I like you," Hanni confessed, her words catching me completely off guard. My eyes widened in shock at her sudden admission.

"H-Hanni, this is not funny," I stammered, hoping against hope that she was joking.

"Yes, because I'm not joking," Hanni replied firmly. Her hand, which had been resting on my arm, slowly slid down to grasp mine, pulling it gently to her waist. I instinctively tried to pull away, but she held me in place.

"Hold me," Hanni whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. Like a statue, I stood frozen, unable to comprehend what was happening. Another hand cupped my face, and before I knew it, warm lips were pressed against mine.

I felt the softness of her lips against mine, and slowly, I melted into the kiss. Before long, I found myself kissing her back, pulling her closer as my other hand joined the one already on her waist.

The romances are now starting🤭 what do you guys think about this chapter?

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