Chapter Thirty One

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Y/n wiggled her way to the van, watching the girls get inside one by one. Fortunately, Jihye, the other senior manager, was kind enough to help Y/n walk.

"Thank you, Unnie! Get home safe~" Y/n said with a laugh as she settled into the van.

Seated at the very back, Y/n couldn't properly see who was sitting beside her. Meanwhile, Jihye looked inside the van, seeing all of the members and Y/n already seated. She smiled at them.

"Get home safe, guys, and sorry about your manager. Just let her be for now," Jihye said, giggling. The girls nodded with understanding, giving Jihye wishes for a safe drive.

With a nod and a wave goodbye to Hwajoo, who sat in the driver's seat, Jihye closed the door, signaling the start of their journey home.

"Make sure to put on your seatbelts, girls," Hwajoo reminded them, earning a hum of acknowledgment from the group. With a smile, he started the engine and began driving.

At the first row, sat Danielle and Haerin, while Hanni and Minji occupied the second row. Y/n, still seated at the back.


"Oh! It's you, Hyein-ah! Hahah.. c-couldn't recognize *hiccup* you there for a b-bit," Y/n whispered loudly, causing Hyein to giggle.

"Y/n, let's do a challenge," Hyein whispered back, her voice soft and conspiratorial. Y/n turned to her with sparkling eyes.

"I love a challenge, what is it!?" she whispered eagerly. Hyein leaned closer, her breath tickling Y/n's ear.

"It's called, 'Don't Let the Others Know What You're Doing'," Hyein explained, leaning back to gauge Y/n's reaction. Y/n grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Hyein tapped the space between them. "Come closer," she whispered. Y/n nodded eagerly, scooting closer to Hyein.

"So, how do we start this challenge?" Y/n whispered, excitement evident in her voice.

Hyein chuckled softly, enjoying Y/n's enthusiasm. "First, we have to be sneaky about it," she whispered mischievously, casting a glance towards the other members.

Y/n nodded eagerly, a mischievous glint in her eyes matching Hyein's. "Got it, stealth mode engaged," she whispered back, trying to contain her giggles.

Hyein challenged Y/n to take a picture together, Y/n obeyed, leaning her head on Hyein's shoulder. They both smiled sweetly, Hyein took the picture, she couldn't help but to blush.

Hyein nodded in approval as she studied the picture they had just taken. "Not bad for a start," she remarked, her lips curling into a playful smile. "Now, onto the next challenge."

Y/n leaned in eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "What's next?" she whispered eagerly, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.

Hyein glanced around the van, making sure the others were occupied. "Let's try something a little more daring," she whispered, her tone laced with mischief.

Y/n's heart raced with anticipation as she waited for Hyein to reveal the next challenge. "I'm ready for anything," she whispered back, her voice filled with determination.

With a sly grin, Hyein leaned in close to Y/n's ear, her breath warm against Y/n's skin. "How about placing your hand here?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Hyein apparently grabbed Y/n's right hand and placed it on her left thigh, just below her shorts. Y/n smiled like a kid and nodded eagerly.

"For how long?"

"Throughout the challenge, dummy,"

"Okay!" Y/n's voice echoed inside the van, causing the others to glance at them in confusion and suspicion.

Minji furrowed her eyebrows, but since it was a little dark, she wasn't able to see Y/n's hand on Hyein's thigh. "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing, we were just playing on my phone!" Hyein quickly excused, while Hanni shrugged her shoulders and they decided to leave the two girls alone.

Hyein turned to Y/n, "I told you to be quiet, you almost lost the game,"

Y/n pouted and muttered a sorry to Hyein. Hyein smiled, "It's okay, let's just do the next challenge!"

"What is it?" Y/n asked softly, careful not to make the same mistake again. Hyein used her index finger to tap on her cheek twice, "Kiss me here,"

"I *hiccup* don't like kisses.." Y/n said as she pouted, her hand still on Hyein's thigh.

"Oh, okay, you're a loser then.." Hyein teased

"No! *hiccup* I'm not,"

"Then do it.." With that, Y/n gulped and slowly leaned in towards Hyein's cheek. As her lips were just about to touch Hyein's cheek, Hyein quickly turned her head and captured Y/n's lips in a surprise kiss.

Only kisses, no funny business especially with hyein! So how is it so far? Are you guys liking the story, don't get bored please ㅠㅠ

I can't believe it I was able to write more than thirty chapters!?

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