Chapter Sixteen

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Y/n sighed as she found herself walking beside Jieun, heading to the dance practice room where NewJeans were currently rehearsing. Jieun spoke, breaking the ice between them.

"How have you been?" Jieun asked.

"Good, you?" Y/n replied, but the coldness in her voice was undeniably evident.

"I'm doing good, but I want to be honest," Jieun said. They stopped in front of the dance practice room. Before Y/n could open the door, Jieun added, "I missed you, Y/n."

Y/n stayed in her spot, the door opened, revealing Minji, who was standing in front of them. Minji's eyes widened at the sight of their idol, Lee Jieun.

"IU sunbaenim!" She exclaimed and then proceeded with a bow. "Come inside!" Minji added.

With that, Jieun smiled and went inside first, followed by Y/n, who didn't actually look pleased, but she still tried her best to cover it with a smile.

"Hello everyone!" Jieun smiled, greeting everyone warmly. The other members were shocked and couldn't contain their excitement as they bowed.

"Hello IU sunbaenim, we are NewJeans!" After introducing themselves as a group, Hanni pointed at Y/n. "This is Y/n, our manager."

Jieun smiled and nodded her head. Y/n tried her best to fake it, and it seemed like it worked, except for one person.

"If I may ask, what brings you here, sunbae?" Minji asked, as the others nodded their heads in curiosity. Before Jieun could speak, Y/n stepped in with a smile.

"IU and NewJeans will have a collaboration!" The members gasped in excitement, and this made Jieun smile.

"Yes, and the song that we will make, we will perform it at the music bank!" Jieun explained. The girls nodded their heads. After some time, Jieun decided to bid her goodbye because apparently she still had something to do.

The members bowed their heads, and Y/n just watched Jieun coldly as she opened the door and exited.

The members were taking their water breaks at the moment. Y/n was just sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone when suddenly someone sat beside her.

"Are you okay?" Y/n looked up to see Haerin. She could see the worry in her eyes, and it softened her.

"Yeah, thanks for asking, Haerin-ah," Y/n said and patted Haerin's head twice. Haerin slightly smiled at the sudden gesture.

"I feel like something is not right between you and IU sunbae," Haerin blurted out, causing Y/n to gulp. She did not expect Haerin to catch on so quickly. Y/n quickly shook her head.

Y/n's attempt to reassure Haerin felt feeble, as if trying to hold back a tidal wave with a hand. Haerin, ever perceptive, nodded with a hint of skepticism, deciding not to press further for the moment.

"Haerin-ah, let's get back to practice," Y/n suggested, her voice laced with determination despite the lingering unease in her heart. Haerin complied with a nod, her energy contagious as she rallied the other members back into focus. Y/n couldn't help but smile as she watched the camaraderie among the girls, their laughter a welcome distraction from her own troubled thoughts.

Despite her initial reservations, Y/n found herself growing fond of NewJeans with each passing day. They were different from the stereotypical image of idols she had in her mind, and their genuine camaraderie and passion for their craft won her over.

As she sat on the couch, attempting to distract herself, Y/n couldn't escape the memories that clawed at the edges of her consciousness. The flashback hit her like a freight train, transporting her back to a moment she wished she could forget.


Y/n's steps faltered as she approached the boss's office, her heart pounding in anticipation. She had been summoned, and while part of her hoped for recognition of her hard work, another part feared the unknown.

The door creaked open, revealing her boss and Jieun seated inside. Y/n's initial excitement morphed into confusion as she took in the scene before her. Something wasn't right.

"Y/n, glad you could join us," her boss greeted, a smile that didn't reach her eyes playing on her lips. Y/n's stomach churned uneasily as she took a seat, a sense of foreboding settling over her.

Before she could gather her thoughts, her boss dropped a bombshell

"You're fired"

GUYS! I really love you all, that's why even though I get dizzy when I use phone during drive, I still wrote this. Kisses!

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