Chapter Nineteen

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Y/n's POV [yey!]
As the members and Jieun delved into discussions about their collaboration, managers were asked to step outside due to confidentiality concerns. Leaning against the wall outside the meeting room, I found myself lost in my thoughts, sipping on a cup of coffee I had grabbed downstairs.

Suddenly, my mind drifted to Jina. It had been a while since I last saw her, perhaps since our outing to the park. I found myself missing her scolding and advice. Maybe I should make time to visit her soon.

Lost in contemplation, I was interrupted by a voice. Turning, I saw one of Jieun's staff members, Heeju, standing beside me. With a hint of uncertainty, I greeted her, recalling her name from our past work together.

"Oh hey, Heeju?" I responded, and she chuckled, confirming her identity. "Yes, surprised you still remember."

We both faced the meeting room, zoning out for a moment. "How's work?" I asked, attempting small talk.

Heeju shared that work had been good and mentioned that the team and Jieun missed me. Hearing the latter made me scoff, and I tossed my empty coffee cup into the nearby bin before standing up straighter.

"That's absurd. Why would she miss me if she caused all of it?" I vented, trying to keep my anger in check. I felt Heeju's gaze on me, and I met her eyes. She smiled sadly. "I don't really know where to begin, but I'm not lying when I say she misses you."

"I don't really care now. Because of her, my life was almost ruined," I explained, feeling Heeju's comforting pat on my back. I offered a small smile in gratitude for her concern, but the truth was, I was fine without Jieun. I could live without her now, unlike before.

"Well, here's my number. Hit me up anytime," Heeju offered, handing me a piece of paper. I accepted it with a nod. We used to be close until the incident with Jieun, but I saw no harm in reconnecting with Heeju.

"Thank you. I missed you guys too–" I started, but my sentence was cut short when Minji emerged from the meeting room. Quickly masking my frown with a smile, I greeted her, and Heeju followed suit.

"Y/n, the meeting's done. We decided to start composing it today," Minji explained as she approached me, her expression serious. I glanced inside the meeting room where the girls were deep in discussion.

"Okay, okay. I'll drop you guys off at the vocal room," I replied, nodding to Minji.

She smiled and gave my arm a light squeeze before excusing herself.

After some time, all of them finally emerged from the meeting room, ready to head to the vocal room. As we walked, Heeju struck up a conversation with me, and we found ourselves giggling and laughing together, with the girls joining in to entertain their senior.

As we reached the vocal room, I held the door open for them to enter one by one, stepping inside myself to remind them of something.

"Hey guys, good luck in here. If you need anything, just text or call me. I'll be lounging in the lobby," I said, earning nods from the members.

"See you later, Y/n!" Minji exclaimed, while Haerin offered a small smile and nod.

"Bye, Y/n!" Hanni beamed, waving enthusiastically, and Hyein followed suit with a smile and a wave.

When my eyes met Danielle's, she seemed surprised, but I offered her a soft smile. Her returning smile was a welcomed sight, and I realized how much I had missed it.

With a wave, I bid them goodbye. "Bye guys, enjoy!"

As I closed the door behind me, Heeju followed, and I took one last peek inside, feeling relieved to see them chatting away.

With a sense of reassurance seeing the members settled in the vocal room, I closed the door behind me and turned to Heeju, who had been walking alongside me.

"Thanks for keeping me company," I said, grateful for the distraction and the chance to catch up with an old colleague.

Heeju smiled warmly. "No problem at all. It was nice talking to you again."

As we made our way to the lobby, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. Despite the initial tension between Danielle and me, it felt good to exchange smiles with her again.

Guys! I really need your opinions:( please. Should I publish now the Haerinxreader but it will be an ongoing book or should I finish this book first before publishing the new one?

I would really appreciate some advice and your opinions❤️

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