D A T E : M I N J I

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I stood there, gripping the handle of my mini suitcase, waiting patiently for Minji. She had planned for us to stay at her house in Gangwon for two days and two nights. I was excited since I'd never been anywhere outside of Seoul before. Sitting down to wait, I watched as Minji got ready, admiring her stunning outfit. Lost in thought, I heard her giggle.

"Do I look okay?" she asked.

I nodded, still a bit dazed. "You look pretty."

Taking notice of the cute suitcase she was holding – brown with a little bear sticker – I offered to drive us instead of taking public transportation, thinking it would be more convenient and fun.

Soon, footsteps approached, and the other girls appeared, mouths agape.

"Did you both plan your outfits or something?" Hanni asked, puzzled.

I looked at Minji, then back at Hanni, realizing that both Minji and I were dressed in shades of beige and brown. I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders. "Must be a coincidence."

"No, we planned this," Minji said, pouting her lips. With that, we said goodbye to the girls, reminding them not to skip meals and to always lock the door, only letting in our boss or Hwajoo oppa.

Although the girls were sad to see us go, they still wished us well and hoped we'd enjoy our time together. After leaving the house, I took Minji's suitcase.

"Go get in the car, I'll just put these in the trunk," I said.

She nodded, taking the car key from my hand. I opened the trunk and carefully placed the suitcase inside. Jogging back to the driver's seat, I saw Minji already seated with her seatbelt fastened, furrowing her eyebrows as she scrolled through her phone.

"Did you win?" I asked.

She looked at me, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

I chuckled. "You look like you're in the middle of an argument on the phone, so I wondered if you managed to win."

She didn't respond but playfully slapped my arm, giving me a mock glare. With that, I started the car and drove off. It was a short ride, but with Minji beside me, I knew it would be memorable.

We arrived at Minji's house, and I couldn't help but be impressed. "Nice house, Minji," I remarked.

"Thanks. Come on, let's go inside," she said, linking her arm with mine. I felt a bit shy at the sudden physical contact, but I followed her eagerly. Instead of knocking, she tapped a few codes, and the door swung open. As she pulled me inside, I couldn't help but admire the modern décor of her home.

"Mom, we're here!" Minji called out as she guided me to sit on the sofa. Suddenly, a high-pitched voice squealed, and I instinctively stood up.

"My baby, Minji!" Minji's mom exclaimed, rushing over to hug her. I smiled at the heartwarming sight, and then Minji's mom's gaze landed on me.

"Mom, this is Y/n," Minji introduced.

"Oh! Why didn't you tell me right away?" her mom said, pulling me into a tight hug. I hesitated for a moment, but seeing Minji's reassuring smile, I returned the hug.

After the warm welcome from Minji's mom, we all settled down in the living room. Minji's mom insisted on making us some snacks, so she disappeared into the kitchen while Minji and I sat on the couch.

Minji leaned closer to me, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sorry about my mom. She can be a bit overwhelming sometimes."

I chuckled softly. "No worries. She seems really sweet."

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