Chapter 23

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"Danny? You alright?" I asked him, softly. It was dark, and the only light around us was the soft glow of the telly on mute.

"Of course I'm alright. This lovely makes everything alright." He said, nuzzling a bottle of vodka.

"Danny I think you should put that away." I said, but he wasn't listening. He was busy talking to the bottle now.

"You're my lovely, aren't you? You're the only one who's ever been with me through it all." He said, staring at the half empty bottle.

I sighed, these episodes required a Benintervention, where Ben would snatch the bottle from Danny, drink it all himself and put Danny to sleep.

Ben had forgiven Danny for puching him in the hospital and Danny had forgotten already. The only reason Ben was still pissed was that I had gotten slightly injured so to say. I had gotten between the two of them, and I accidentally intercepted a punch. I wasn't sure whether it was Danny's or Ben's, but it did bruise. And I did joke for a while, "I have a Ben Bruise." It wasn't funny but they laughed any way because I was the dying girl.

I woke Ben up. The Benintervention had become an unsaid thing, the only reason why I would wake Ben up was for this purpose.


"Oh..fuck it." he woud say, and reluctantly drag himself out of bed. Then I would watch, as he staggered over to Danny, grab the bottle from him, swing it and throw it, saying. 

The booze is over Danny, Go to sleep."

And then Danny would sleep where he was.

It was a tiring cycle.

So like the past seven nights, I woke Ben up.

He performed the ritual, like always, but this time, he stopped at the doorway, where I was standing and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he said, "Go to sleep."

I shook my head.

"You can't be his watchdog."

"I have to."

"It's not your responsibility."

I sighed. "Okay."

Then I let Ben carry me bridal style back to my bed.

"You should sleep, Lex, you're the one we should be worried about here." he said.

"Don't-" I said, but then he cut me off with a kiss.

I smiled once he was done.

"I love you, Ben." I said, just as he was leaving.

He turned back, his mouth a little 'O' of surprise.

"What?" I said.

"You said it."

"Yeah, so?"

"You have such bad timing, I wanted it down on video. I wanted the others to hear it."

"I love you, Ben." I said again, it was unfamiliar but I liked the way it sounded.

A lot.

"I love you more Lex. More than you'll ever know." Ben said, suddenly serious.

"I do know." I said, throwing a pillow at him as he went.


I was happy right now. Really very happy because I had just realized that I had the one thing I had been looking for all these years. All these years of searching the wrong places, going down wrong roads. All that alcohol. I didn't need it to write songs anymore. I could write about her. I felt like such a cliche right now. I felt like slapping myself with a dildo. But all that aside. I really did love Alexis.And she loved me. The fact that she was probably going to die didnn't bother me. I wanted to be with her. She was the one thing I couldn't find. But now it was just going to fit in together.Now I really felt like slapping myself. I'd never thought that she would ever go for a person as fucked up as me, but she did. I was an alcoholic, violent. out of control, rude, self destructive idiot,and she was with me. I nearly laughed, but stopped myself because James was on the floor next to me. I just wished that she would stop worrying. She was mine. Just mine.

Back to Lexi.

I suppose I had finally figured out what Ben and I really were.This was more than just a fling. I really thought about it and realized that Ben made me happy. He did. His insanity, his tattoos, his arseholicness, his voice. Maybe I was crazy, but he was too. I did love him and nothing in the world was ever going to change that.Though I wished Danny would be okay.


He inspired in me fear, because he was the only family I had left, albeit fucked up. I couldn't lose him too. I just wished all of them would mellow down.

But fuck that, Stuff would work out. It always did.

I wanted Ben.

And that is why I found myself on the floor with him, hands in hair,legs tangled, with James snoring dangerously close.

This very moment was forever.

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