Ending 2- Bittersweet

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Ben's POV

The ambulance got here. The medics rushed out got her on a stretcher and got into the van. I went in too and called the others. They came to the hospital, and they were there before we got there ourselve,



"Hook her up to an IV, Blood type?" He asked me.

"O positive."

"Oxygen, ninety five percent. "


"It's okay. She's just losing too much blood."

"We have to hurry,"

I felt myself panic. "Is she going to be okay ? What's happening? Come on tell me!" I heard myself screaming.

"Sir? Sir, you have to calm down."

I took a deep breath,

"Does she have any other illness?"

Oh fuck.


They medics looked at each other grimly.

'We can't do anything now. Keep her on the blood and oxygen."

"FUck.Fuck. Fuck."

As soon as we got to the hospital she was wheeled off. I met the others. This scene was way too familiar, like the last time we were here for Danny,

I just paced the halls like a madman.

I didn't know what was happening.

Eight hours later, the doctor came out.

 "We had to operate on the tumor. She's all right. She's stable."

"Can we go see her now?" I asked.

"Yes. One at a time. There might be a few behavioural changes, so just be careful. Don't upset her."

 I went in, and the others followed disregarding the doctor's orders.

"HI Alexis." I said softly, taking her hand.

 She pulled her hand away.

"Alexis? Who's Alexis?I don't know you."

"You don't?"


"You don't remember us?"

"I can't remember anything."


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