Chapter 6

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How do you think this is going?



It doesn't matter.

I love writing for you guys.


I woke up to a bunch of girls giggling. Why were there girls in the bus?

I woke up and looked around, and there he was. Ben, and clinging to him were two girls, both blonde, D-cups. One of them nuzzled his ear, and a wide smile stretched across his face. I looked away disgusted. He was drunk, I know. I heard the girls lower their voices trying to sound husky. Danny said something to one of them in her ear, and she giggled again. Her high- pitched giggle was annoying me. Why was I getting so annoyed. I didn’t care.I didn’t care. I didn’t care.

I did.

I watched as Ben pushed one of the girls against the wall, and shoved his tongue down down her throat. His hands were everywhere on her posterior. But this time the disgust was tempered with hurt and the sound of woman-ly pride falling. Why would he ask me to dinner and carry me to my bed and come home with a bunch of whores and go around…….

I shook my head. I shouldn’t be thinking like this. But then I saw him doing the same with the other girl and I suppressed the urge to throw a stilletto at them. Deadly weapons, stillettoes are.There wasn’t even one night he didn’t get a girl here.

He finally broke apart from the second girl and slurred, “Well? Let’s skip the foreplay then.”

The girls giggled again as he led them to the big room at the back designed for threesomes. He passed my bunk as he took them there. The girls were tan, stick thin and were wearing synthetic plastic-y hot pink dresses.I turned away and tried to ignore them. But once the noise got a little unbearable I sighed rather loudly and said, “Could you please keep it down?”

Silence.Then more giggles                                                                                                                              

I sighed again and plugged into my ipod, I listened to Black Veil Brides, feeling a little vengeful because Ben hated them, a form of my silent rebellion.

I woke up early again, and went to the couch. The squishy purple thing was my new favourite place.

I kept sitting there, waiting, thinking.

“You really seem to like this couch.” Said Ben.

I didn’t reply.

“Still peeved at me for last night are you? Don’t you ever get horny?”

I didn’t reply again.

He hurdle jumped over the couch, and sat next to me.

“If it makes you feel any better. I didn’t like anyone of them.”

He put his head on my shoulder. “Actually I do because they made me realize something.They didn’t know what Asking Alexandria was. And if there is anything I love more than sex itself is this band. It’s my brainchild. They weren’t even good in the sack. Cheap sluts.”

He continued. “They didn’t even know a single song. And getting laid with them wasn’t better than just kissing you.”

“Was it?” I asked coldly.

He held me by the shoulders and looked at me. “Alexis. I like you. And not in the get-in-your-pants way.”

“Nice way to show it Ben.” I said drily.

“You want me to display my great affection for you?” He asked. Without  waiting for my reply he stood up on the back of the couch and started singing.

“These oceans that fall between our hearts, and breathing becomes too hard.” He sang flourishing his hands and waving them.

“Aaallexxisss, I laaarvee youu!” he drawled.

“Sing it like it you mean it.” I said, letting my controlled laughter out. He squatted on the back of the couch.

“I can’t sing but I do mean this.” He said softly, and tilted my face towards him and then same old, same old.

He fell off and landed on me again. I was upside down, my head hanging off the couch seat, Ben was on top of me and he whispered in my ear, “You know we’re alone again. Want to take a shower with me?”

“You’re tickling me Ben.” I said as he blew my hair around.

“It looks like we’re in some weird yoga sex position.”

I laughed.

“You’ve wanted to do this since the moment you laid eyes on me. I did.”

“I didn’t. I don’t .Not even now.”

“Why?” he asked, genuinely concerned.

“Because you’ll never stay. And before you say you will, let me tell you. You’re nineteen, and famous and your sex drive is through the roof. And I being the kind person I am will not make you commit with a girl whom you don’t love.”

A girl who would be probably braindead in fourteen months.



“I don’t love you yet. But I will.I promise.”

“Yeah right. I’m surprised you’re using the word love.”

“Me too. But you……Come on now. Shower?” he asked grinning.

“You go ,you dirty pig. I bet you have last night still stuck on you.”

“You bet I do.”

I smacked him on the head.

“Your hair, Lexi.”


“Do something about it before it makes me rip your clothes off.”

“You perv.”

“That’s me.”

He kissed me with his yellow, dirty, unbrushed, wolf fangs.

And as for me, I let him.

And smiled for an hour straight hearing him sing in the bathroom. 

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