Chapter 16

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2 months later.

You could say stuff went downhill from there. The touring had to end sometime. For Ben and me it ended that night. We avoided each other in the bus. I slept in my own bunk. I watched TV alone. We never had a conversation. At restaurants it was just 'pass the peas'. He didn't even say my name and it hurt. He began seeing other girls but for some reason he didn't sleep with them or bring them back to the bus. He didn't sing for me, he stopped teasing me, we stopped arguing. It was just cold. Very cold. It was winter now and the boys were back in England. James and Danny kept in touch and even Sam called sometimes. But no Ben. The others couldn't understand the sudden hostility and they just assumed Ben grew bored as usual. And now here I was in my dull apartment in winter. I felt numb all the time though. It was nearing Christmas now and I was in New York, finishing a lot of work. Psychology essays mostly.

I pulled my hoodie tighter around me and began typing with my nearly frozen fingers. It was so damn cold. I shut my eyes for a minute and stretched backwards then I opened my eyes and saw the MRI scans hanging over my desk. Of my brain. I wasn't being sadistic or anything, it was sort of a reminder of the fact that I could die and I had to finish whatever I had started. I looked at that dark spot and I felt an intense hatred for that horrible thing growing in me, like some sort of parasite. I shuddered. I got up, walked to my coffee table where the arsenal of all my pills were kept. I popped two and went back to work. I started typing again. My fifth page I think.

I was about to finish my last page. The time was 9:30 pm. My stomach growled. I sighed. Time for pan pizza again. Just as I was about to near the microwave the house phone rang.

I picked up the phone.


"'Ello Alexis."


"Yeah. You will not believe where we are right now."

"Where? A puppy dog convention? A Rihanna concert. Ooh don't tell me......A Rebecca Black concert?"

He laughed.

And the bell rang. I hung up. And opened the door. And there all of them were standing in a straight line. As soon as I took in the sight they popped their heads out from the line like \ / but Ben didn't. He stood there at the end, looking bored, not doing anything at all, turning their little formation into \|/

James was at the front, then Danny , then Sam then Cameron and then Ben.

"SURPRISE!!" they shouted.

"So are you going to let us in or not?" James said, leaning against the doorframe. "Since you're not with Ben anymore I thought that you and me....should."

I took a look at Ben's face. Dangerously purple. Then I laughed.

"Come in guys. I was just making pizza."

"Cute apartment." Sam said.

"Yeah, why didn't we stay here when we were in New York and were rotting in that stinking, sodding tourbus?" Danny asked me

"Umm....I wouldn't have let you come back with your whores.". I said.

Ben was strangely silent and he kept looking at me, I could feel his eyes boring holes in my back

"What are those?" Sam asked me, pointing to the scans over my desk.

"Brain scans, you doofus" Cameron said.

"Whose brain? Yours Alexis?"

"Whose meds are all those." Danny said, pointing at my coffee table.

Oh Shit.

Time to come clean Alexis Greenwood.

"Yeah. They're mine." I said.

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