Chapter 1

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“Guys, guys!” said Danny in his newly acquired American accent, while I cringed. It was mortifying enough to be half dragged by Danny, after he almost broke the automatic door at where I worked. And now this. I was in their tour bus, and Danny was trying to get the attention of his band mates.  Ben and James were busy imitating someone……jerking off. I guess they did this a lot. Sam was snoring and Cameron was watching Ben and laughing. Yes this was embarrassing. Danny screamed, like he did while singing. I flinched. That got their attention.

They all looked at him.

“What is with you mate?” asked Ben.

“Yeah, you’ve never introduced us to any of your sex buddies before.” Said James

I cringed, and blushed.

“Shut up. This is Alexis. She is my…ummmm……”

“SEX BUDDY!” the band said in unison.


They all looked at him in curiosity.

“Yeah, we go long back. Like since childhood. And college.”

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, shakily.

“How come I never saw her?” Ben demanded, “I never knew you had siblings.”

“That’s because you were too busy chasing teachers to bonk.”

“We’re not real siblings.” I chipped in, my voice sounding soft compared to theirs.

“We’re blood siblings. Don’t fuck with her or fuck her” Danny said, threateningly

I smiled and raised my left wrist. There was a tiny scar, small but deep. Danny raised his right. His was right there too. He didn’t get anything inked over that.

Ben got up and walked up to me, circled me for a good minute, while I blushed under his gaze.

“Well, looks like I have competition. You’re on.” He said and went up to Danny and hugged him from behind.

I didn’t answer.

“Who are you and what did you do to Danny? He’s behaving like he has some responsibility.”  Asked James. He seemed relatively harmless, so I decided to answer.

“Umm….I’m Alexis Greenwood. I’m not sure what I did to Danny. He’s been like that with me since forever. On the other note, I am a psychology student and a part time tattoo artist.”

“ I’m James and I-“

“Play drooms.” We said together

“The interviews.” I said, “I hope you don’t mind. Though it is very cute.”

He laughed. “Not at all. I know I’m cute. This is very obvious, do you like AA?”

“Tough question. No.”

I looked at his shocked expression. “I mean I do like the band, but Danny’s voice when he screams...” I shuddered.

“I know .His normal voice is better.” James said.

I could see Ben looking at me, mock murderously.

“Is Ben-“

“Yes. He is very possessive about Danny. But all in fun. Though he might get a little violent.”

“Lex?” called Danny.


“We’re taking you out to dinner.”

“Umm…okay. Where?”

“You’ll see. C’mere now.”

I went to him, and he put his arm up. I scooted under it, and it was just like old times. Now Ben was giving Danny…or me the finger. Whoops.   

Now the five of them were much too stingy to pay for two cabs. So I found myself being tossed from James lap, to Ben’s then Cameron, then Danny. I think Ben was feeling a little vindictive because every time I was on his lap, he jolted and I hit my head on the roof. Sam was in the front, they had dragged him into the seat while he was sleeping.

The cab stopped near a dockyard, brightly lit. You could see Ellis Island in the distance. I had never expected Danny to actually tour in America; he was too much of a homesick pup. Not to mention mucky.. There were still a lot of people here, mostly tourists admiring New York. Oh god. They were buying me dinner from a hot- dog kiosk. The cheapskates

“Guys! I’m vegetarian!”

“Boring.” Said Ben.

“I remembered! Corn dogs for you.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. After we settled down on one bench (these guys really liked to squeeze in) Cameron offered me a beer.  I declined. I did not drink.

“You’re boring, love.” Said Ben.

“Nope. Just the only one who will drive you back to your tour bus, safely.” I said.

“Ooh.” Said the band, except for Sam who was still not quite awake, and was staring at his hot-dog

“I have an announcement to make.” Said  Danny, swinging his bottle. “She sings you know. Oh and Alexis is coming with us. On tour.”


“Let’s, GET DRUNK!.”

I knew how drunk they got.

This night was just getting better.

Ah, hell


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