Chapter 3

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“Alexxxisss…..” said a singsong voice. “Wakey..wakey…”

I groaned. It was Danny. He was sitting on his bunk and had taped a number of kitchen implements to a broom stick and was poking me with it.

“Wht are you doing that..Dannyyy. Lemme sleeep.” I trailed off.

“ALEXIS!! Wake up NOW! You have five seconds to get out of your bunk and come to mine before Drunk Pissy James rolls over and pees right there because he’s so drunk.”

I woke up with a jolt.

“Crap!” I said, and I jumped out of bed ninja style, still wearing last night’s oversized NY shirt except for the fact that I was wearing my jeans under. I was in very unsafe territory. Not with Danny of course but the others .Sam was the only one awake other than Danny.

“I’m making breakfast.” Said Sam, proudly.

I looked a little apprehensive.

“Sam was a topper in Home.Ec.” Danny offered.

“It’s just cereal. Lucky Charms or Froot Loops?”

“Rice Krispies, in chocolate milk.” I said.

“That’s tough.” Said Sam, “But… coming right up.”

“Oh..Sam stop for a second. Look, look” Danny said and pointed to James’ bunk. “Ben’s on the floor.”

Sam looked at the scene unfold and he smirked.Quietly we watched as James rolled over and pissed. On Ben’s face.

Ben woke up sputtering and he roared. “FUCK YOU!”

Then he got up looked at all of us with that wet, urine covered face and we all laughed, including Ben.

“JAMES! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Ben roared and climbed James bunk and started headbutting him

We all kept laughing till James and Ben both fell off. There was a strange silence and then James, his voice muffled, said “I bet it tasted like mountain dew.”

“Is this a regular thing?”

Everyone nodded.

“Danny? About the touring thing-“ I started.

“You’re coming and that’s final.”

“But work-“

“Work with us. If it’s okay for Shawn Milke’s sister to feature in his tracks it’s okay for you too.”

“Heh!” Said Ben, :I think Danny wants his sister. He’d be a right sisterfucker then.”

We all laughed.

“How were your S&M dreams Ben?” I asked

“Actually you were there too. We were tying Danny up.”


“I know. He’s getting fat.”


“Yes you are.” Said the rest of us.

“Et tu, Alexis?”

“It’s true”

Sam sidled up to me and said, “He hasn’t brushed. None of them except for me.”

I whispered. “He never did. Even in college.”

I turned towards the four of the dirty ones. “Danny, Ben stop snogging. Cameron. Do not raise your arms. Do. Not. And James? Get yourself a diaper.”

“The control freak is back. Hello Alexis.” Said Danny.

“Yeah, who died and made you boss?”

“Since….I am coming on tour….”

Danny whooped.

“I’m going to clean you all badasses up. Because you are not badasses. You are kindergarten brats. And Sam is my pet. Move to the bathroom. Brush. And if you don’t have one use your shaving brushes. Which also I think you don’t have.”

I felt a sense of excitement. Touring with a metal band. Wow. It used to be one of my dreams.

I was snapped out of my exhilaration by the band who shoved me as they went to the bathroom.

“One of these days Alexis I’m going to kiss you with my yellow, dirty, unbrushed, wolf fangs.” Said Ben.

“Vampires have fangs.Idiot. And next time you kiss me, I’ll probably throw up in your mouth.”

“By then you’d be in love with me. And would be begging me to kiss you. Take the offer now.”

Cocky little bastard.

“I think I’ll pass.”

“Looks like I’ll have to take by force then.”

I smacked him on the arm.

“Danny.” I said in a high pitched voice, “Your boyfriend is hitting on me.”

“You’re on, Lexi.”

“ We’ll see Benji.”

He tried to stare me down but he lost.

This was going to be FUN!!


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