Chapter 5

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“You know, “ said Ben, “You’re first girl I’ve ever made this sa. ndwich for. I think you’re going to be my live- in girl.Or wifey.” He said mockingly.

“You’d make a TERRIBLE husband Ben, not to mention a terrible father. You’d be running around with your Cindy’s and Brianna’s all day and all night.” I said.

He came very close to me and said in my ear. “This business with Cindy has really gotten under your skin, huh? Don’t worry. I think you’re better. Eat up now.”

He drew up to his full height and stepped back, grinning widely.

“What’s with you today, Ben? You’re looking like you won the lottery.” Danny asked

“With your sister.” He said , but on seeing Danny’s face he said, “Just joking.Just joking.”

I eyed the sandwich dubiously. It was HUGE, and had purple stuff dripping from the sides.

“Ben could you please tell me what’s in the bread? Just to make sure it’s nothing I’m allergic to.”

“You’re not allergic to anything. Just eat it.” Said Danny.

“Tell me all the same.”

 “Okay. Grape jelly, peanut butter, cheese, chocolate sauce, leftover birthday cake, whipped cream, marshmallows and for you vegetarian sausages.”

“What the hell are vegetarian sausages?”



“One bite? Please? For my sake?”

Ben looked at me with puppy eyes. I shut my eyes and tried not to melt.

“I won’t hit on you if you eat it.”

Tempting offer. I picked up the sandwich with both hands and sniffed it.

“It’s not poisoned is it?”

“It’s got my semen in it.”

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Don’t tempt me to french kiss you Lexi. Though I’m sort of hoping you don’t eat the sandwich. I enjoy hitting on you.”

I hurridly picked up the sandwich and ate it with slow measured bites. After what seemed like an eternity I swallowed.

“Wow, Ben. This isn’t that bad you know. “

“I know.” he said, “But now in payment for the sandwich……”

I sighed. “I’m not doing anything sex related.”

“Dinner. Just with me. Here.” He said gesturing to the tourbus.

He was sounding genuinely friendly.

“Okay. When?”

“Dayafter. At nine.”

Just dinner. Okay?”

“Fine. I won’t let you down.” He said.

I guess I was going to be alone all of today. Danny and Ben were going to a friend’s place, and Sam, James and Cameron were going to spend a day in the petshop, for some reason, on something about zoophilia.

Three’o clock and the boys were gone, I was still on the couch in my nightsuit watching yet another Kung-Fu movie. My head was throbbing. I fumbled in my purse for my medicines. Then I sat up and smiled wryly through the pain.

They didn’t know yet. They wouldn’t.Not until……

Secrets! Secrets! Secrets! 

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