Chapter 80: Beidou

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"A...a...! Achoo!"

"Woah, careful my lady. Don't catch a cold now." Loki sighed, wrapping a scarf around her neck.

"Ugh...I'm not that weak."

"You're starting to sound like that emo midget. "Adepti do not get sick" type thing." Loki mocked.

"It's only a sneeze."

"Yeah, during the winter. You could still get a cold from all this."

"Shut up. Did we get everything on the list?" 

"Almost. We need to get some vegetables from-"


Turning to the commotion, Rera saw a merchant running after a little girl. She had an armful of vegetables and fruits, but the number lessened as she ran. The girl was quick on her feet, even as some of the citizens tried to stop her, they were not able to.

The only thing that caught Rera's attention was the girl's eye color. It seemed familiar, but she didn't think much of it. Children stealing from food vendors was common.

"Ugh, do we even need to buy these?" Loki groaned, not paying attention to the scene. "I can make these with my Shadows..."

"You're so lazy."

"It's called using my abilities."

"You want to use them"

"Any introvert would love to have- no, make any food or snack they wish without having to leave the house or talk to people!"

"Wow. Way to prove my point that you're a shut-in." Rera spoke flatly as she continued walking.

"I am not a shut-in! I just hate interacting with humans!"

Reaching a nearby market, Rera noticed how packed it was. It was getting closer to New Year's, so everyone was buying ingredients for their meals. As for Rera, she will spend it with her parents in Liyue along with Zhongli. 

As the two made their way around the market, Rera squeezed through the crowds to find the vegetables they needed. Rera used her small body to her advantage and made it past while Loki cursed Zhongli for making them do this.

But once she got to the produce aisle, there was barely anything left. She checked the vegetables and found that the only ones that remained were the bad ones. 

"Ugh...I hate crowds of humans..." Loki huffed as he caught up to Rera. "Find anything?"

"No, all the produce here is bad. Some are spoiled too."

"Well shit, guess we're outta luck-"

"Use your Time Control."

"...For a damn cabbage?"

"And the carrots and tomatoes and the-"

"Just bring them here." Loki groaned.




"I can't believe I used my powers for this..." Loki grumbled.

"It's so helpful though?"

"For something as little as this I should slap you."

"You'll get petrified if Zhongli finds out."


"Ooh! Can we go buy some meat buns?"


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