Oc Details + art

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Wow, um, okay. So I didn't expect to have this many readers. And I only did this cuz I got bored and had too many ideas in my head. Despite that, I'm actually happy that some people would take the time out of their day to read this stuff. So thanks!

As of now, I'm working on the other chapters. So think of this one as a bonus or just a small break from the main story.

(I'm just gonna give y'all a two in one TwT)

Anyway, out of pure boredom and randomness, I did this...whatever it is. I felt as if I didn't do a good job at explaining some stuff about Ruele and Loki, so here's some small details about them. Also, I'm not sure how to describe my Oc's appearances, so I just drew them.

 Also, I'm not sure how to describe my Oc's appearances, so I just drew them

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(He did not wear this outfit his entire life. He just changed into it before they entered Teyvat. It will be his main outfit for the most part.)

1. First off is Loki, aka — the God of Shadows. In the story, he was created by Celestia during the first few centuries of Teyvat. Making him one of the oldest Gods. And along with his existence was his sister's. The Goddess of Light.

But due to some events that happened long ago, he was separated from her. His full backstory might be a future chapter, but it may take a rather long time to get to that point.

When Loki was separated from his sister, he was sent to Earth. There was a certain mission he had to prioritize, but due to meeting and befriending Ruele, he delayed it.

2. Moving on, I haven't decided on his age yet, but if I were to make an estimate, it would most likely be over 10,000. Yeah, I know, he's an old man. But it is what it is.

3. Other than his Shadows, Loki has many powers. The ones who made him gifted him the power to control all seven elements. Counting his time on Earth, Loki managed to obtain more powers and knowledge. There were many different ways to utilize his powers, so he took them into consideration.

4. His name is originally based off of norse mythology, but I just named him that because it sounded right. He isn't the dude from the marvel or avengers stuff. Yeeeaah...I don't know much about it, but please don't compare him to that Loki. (Just wanted to say this btw.)

5. Though he is over 10,000, Loki still tries to maintain his youthful appearance. Preferring to look like a muscular young adult rather than an old man with white hair. But Ruele knows  that it's just an excuse, and the real reason is because she preferred this form.


(This is just a temporary outfit

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(This is just a temporary outfit. It will be changed into something else in future chapters.)

1. Ruele is a human from Earth with two busy parents. At a young age, she was left inside of the walls she calls home. Her parents were too busy to pay attention to her — having several big companies to look after. "The classic protagonist with no loving parents" as Ruele likes to call it.

Ruele worked herself until she passed out in order to gain their attention. She did many activities, studied hard, played a variety of games, and more. But in the end, she only developed a fear of not being good enough and anger issues.

2. If there was something Ruele wasn't aware of, it's her lack of reading the room. And her bad habit of wandering off. Back then, she would have difficulty understanding about how other people feel and say things that would cause them to think the wrong way.

3. During her middle school years, she immersed herself in both video games and anime. Becoming quite knowledgeable about many genres. Even taking some inspiration for her digital art and manga.

4. One of her top 20 hobbies is sewing. She made countless designs, patterns, and clothes. But one day, she decided to challenge herself and create something different. And that was when her other three friends came into existence. A stuffed Fox, Dragon, and Cat.


Aanndd...that's all I got for now. There will be more details in the future chapters, so it would be best to explain everything later. I don't wanna cram an entire backstory in like, a chapter or two. Because that would completely derail the story, and it doesn't feel right. (And it would probably be more than 3,000 words.)

I may add some of my own art to the chapters, but it may take some time if I procrastinate. Oh, and also, I may add in some new Ocs. Some of you who read this would probably get an idea of who they are though.

I guess does it for now. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my story. Hope you all continue to enjoy reading this!

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