Chapter 76: A Mystery Worth Investigating II

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Rinea stared intently into Rera's eyes, she waited for her to say something, anything. Rera stared at her in confusion and shock, how did Rinea know? She couldn't have seen her or could she?

"Rera. Please, tell me you didn't start that fire." Rinea spoke, hoping that it wasn't true.

"No. I didn't, it was someone else." Rera answered.

"Do you remember what they looked like? Clothing, accessory, anything?"

"Can I get an explanation please? I don't know what's going-"

"You're being accused of murdering forty-five nobles. That's what." Ashe answered, walking up to her.


"Take a look."

Ashe tossed the latest newspaper to Rera and she froze. Why? Why was she on the cover of the article? She flipped through the pages and read the text in complete disbelief. She wasn't the one who started that fire.

"Damn...I told you it was a bad fucking idea!" Loki shouted in her head.

"Shut it!"

"There was another person in that fire. I talked to them." Rera spoke, "I think they were the rumored ghost that the people have been gossiping about."

"The one that was seen fleeing the poisoned noble's house?" Rufus questioned.

"Yeah! That one! I got curious about the whole thing and wanted to investigate it a little. I went to an informant and they told me to go there."

"Rera..." Rinea awkwardly chuckled, "You should stay out of danger like that. It can cause a lot of misunderstandings like this."


"What is it?" Ashe asked.

" did they get a picture of me? I was concealing my presence at the time."

"Were you talking to the person in this picture?" Rufus questioned, "If so, then perhaps you have let your guard down and lowered your defenses. Perhaps that is why you were visible."

"No, it was up at the time. I'm sure of it!"

"Then how could that guy have possibly seen you?" Ashe questioned, "If you were concealing your presence as you have said, then how come that person saw you?"

"How....did they see me...?"

As Rera thought about it more, she could hear an annoying distant giggle in her head. She was close to snapping, she wouldn't be surprised that Ruele would do something to mess with her.

" was probably Ruele that messed with me when I was blinded by anger." Rera thought to herself.

"Well whatever the case, this doesn't make Rera innocent. She was there, and the nobility will accuse her of colluding with the other person." Ashe sighed.

The four grew silent as they thought about the situation. It was only a matter of time before the Knights tracked Rera down and took her in for questioning. Even with Loki's help, there's no evidence that she didn't start it.

The only possible way was for Rera to find the person who started it and turn them in. But how could she find someone like that? Even if she went to that informant, he would probably lead her to another dangerous place.

"Despite this, I'm glad you're okay, Rera." Rinea smiled, cupping her face. "You're not injured, are you?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Do you remember any details about that person?" Ashe asked.

"They wore a cloak and their face was covered with a hood. I couldn't see their face clearly, but I saw a Pyro Vision on his hip and a sword with silver engravings. He took...two children who were about to be auctioned off."

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