Chapter 46: More than a Piece of Trash

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"That's still not enough!"


The Earth beneath them exploded, sending them flying away from each other.

"Seismic Shock."


"Mr. Crawford!"

The soldiers began rushing towards their captain, leaving the others to aid their leader.

"Morons! Don't mind me! Chase those fugitives down!" Walter exclaimed.

"Y-Yes, Sir!"

"No, you won't." Guardian blasted a long cylindrical tube into the air. It ejected hundreds of smaller pen-shaped projectiles and targetted every single soldier in the area.

"What did you–"

"We don't want them to chase my friends." Guardian began to walk out of the dust cloud. "Don't worry, those are tranquilizers, that won't kill them."

"You..." Walter began to stand up and stared at Guardian with madness.

"Now..." Guardian pounded his chest, retracting inwards. "... let's begin, shall we?"

"Knight Guardian."

Walter dashed towards Guardian and pulled his fist back. "There's no way you'll survive after this!"

Guardian blated his thrusters and flew straight to his dashing opponent, "Demolition Aim!"

"Accumulative Shock!"

The ground beneath them waved like the ocean as the powerful shockwaves shook them.

"You're too bulky to move." Walter dashed around and kicked Guardian, crashing onto the ground.

"Argghhhhh!" Guardian exclaimed. "Is that it? Oh, I forgot, I can't feel any pain!"

"Then I'll make you feel it!" Walter pressed his foot on the ground, facing towards Guardian. "Transversal Shockwaves!"

The waves travelled onto the ground and blasted Guardian up in the air.

"Thrusters blas–"

Walter tapped Guardian's armor, "Concentration Shock," and sent him flying up in the air.

"What was that?!" Guardian began flying once more and used the momentum to dive bomb his opponent. "Warning, system damage, forty-seven percent... Shut up, system!"

"No matter what you do, you can never defeat me." Walter exclaimed, preparing another attack. "None of you can defeat me!"

"Great Aim..." Guardian transformed his arm shield into a hammer and began spinning it. "... Hammer!"

"Counter ..."

"... Shock."

Walter opened his left palm and caught Guardian's punching hammer.

"So... fast!"

The total force of Guardian's attack transferred into Walter's left arm and accumulated to the right fist.

"Whatever you do..." Walter punched Guardian in the face, using its own power against him. "... you can never defeat me."


"Ever since I gained consciousness, I've always wanted to know my real purpose in this world..."

"... it's either becoming a useful machine..."

"... or a working robot that follows orders with accuracy..."

"... but none of them really clicks into my system, as they are not what I am truly meant to be."

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