Chapter twenty
"Each other's lucky charm."
Having made it to where the charity tournament would be going on, Hannah stood next to her mom as they watched Susannah "good afternoon, I'm Susannah Fisher.." Susannah shared, and as she did, Hannah and her mom cheered making everyone else cheer "chair of the clubs community service board, and I am delighted to welcome you to play it forward!" Susannah voiced, as everyone cheered "you know, as my mother used to say, if you're lucky enough to be at the beach, you're lucky enough." Susannah shared.
And as she did, Conrad walked up and stood next to Hannah and her mom, and as he did, the two noticed he wasn't wearing the shirt "and we are very fortunate indeed..which is why in the spirit of fun and friendly is time to open our hearts and our wallets and give back to those who may not be as fortunate. We have teams raising money for homelessness, women's shelters, environmental causes and.." Susannah shared, as she looked to Hannah and her mom "breast cancer." she told them, having not known that's what their charity was for, as she forced a smile.
"And many more! And play it forward will match pledges for the winner of the tournament!" she voiced, as everyone cheered "pledge tables still open, so please donate generously. And with that, I say let the games begin!" Susannah voiced, and as she did, Hannah's mom put her hands on her shoulders "that trophy is so ours." she told her, as Hannah smiled "I'd watch our Belly and Taylor. And possibly those two." Conrad shared, motioning to the two girls next to them, the two turned and looked at them "her spike is lethal." Conrad informed them "we can handle it." Hannah told him, walking off.
Brooke then put her hands on Conrad's shoulder "I see you're not wearing the shirt I made for you. Cause this was supposed to be our little secret club. Be all about beating cancer." she shared, as Conrad sighed "I know. I saw the colors. I took the shirt, I have it with me, Hannah just doesn't know." she shared, and as he did, Brooke raised her brows "so what you're saying is if an old lady like me decides by a few rounds that she wants you to sub in, you'd be down for it?" she asked him, and when she did, Conrad looked to her and nodded "yeah." he told her.
As Brooke smirked "that's my Connie." she told him, as she sighed "now I'm gonna go be with my daughter and do what I do best and make people give money." she shared, walking off after Hannah and as she did, Conrad laughed, as he turned, walking off himself over to where Nicole was "hey." he told her "hey." Nicole told him, as she looked to him ", uh, just a heads up. My mom is kind of freaking out because she doesn't want Hannah being escorted to the dance with some guy she doesn't know." Conrad shared.
"Well, her and Rafael seemed to be pretty close to me." Nicole told him "yeah, but my mom wants it to be me who takes her." Conrad shared "but she's already going with Rafael." Nicole told him "not really." Conrad told her, as he ran his hand through his hair "and my mom knows that I took her to eighth grade formal, homecoming and prom. And plus I already know all the dances." he shared "yeah. No, I remember. You're very good at the dances which from what I heard from Hannah during practice is because you practiced with her. So I guess I owe it to her then." Nicole shared.
"Yeah." Conrad told her, remembering how that day, Hannah had texted him that she was thinking of him, and seeing as she was talking about him the entire class, she really was "do you want a drink?" he asked "sure." Nicole told him "gotcha." Conrad told her, as he walked off, although as he did, he missed as Nicole looked through the crowd and found Hannah glaring at her.
Where soon it was time to go, where Hannah and her mom were going up against a father and son duo "this should be easy." her mom told her, as the two kissed two of their fingers and brought them together "let's go, Hannah! Come on!" Conrad voiced, as Hannah and her mom got into position the whistle was blown, as the dad served up the ball, it came over the fence as her mom bumped it, Hannah then smacked it, as it went over the net and down on the other side earning them a point, as the other team dived for it "yeah!" Conrad voiced.
The lucky one, Conrad Fisher
FanfictionCousins beach was the place to be during the summer for a group of three friends who all had kids of their own, yet this summer going into college Conrad Fisher is dealing with knowing that the fact that his mothers cancer is back and the only perso...