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Chapter forty one

"Throwing a goodbye party." 

They all were still standing outside the house "it's sold? You..you sold this house in the last twelve hours?" Conrad asked "yes. To a..a very wealthy family who have always been looking for a beach house." Julia shared "well, it can't just be over." Jeremiah shared "it is. Uh, I'm gonna need your keys, please." Julie shared, as Hannah took her keys out and began looking for them summer house one's and so did Conrad and Jeremiah "I bet you're really enjoying this." Conrad shared, as Julia held her hand out for them "mom, don't do this." Skye told her "Skye, really?" Julia asked them.

As Conrad, Hannah and Jeremiah all handed over their keys "I told you three that I was selling the house. You just refused to believe it. And I'm not enjoying it, but I will admit, that I am relieved it's finally over. Come on, Skye. Excuse me." Julia shared, walking through them all, Skye turned following her.

They all then headed inside and stood in the kitchen "okay. So, I know things aren't going so great right now, but it's always the darkest before the dawn, right?" Jeremiah asked, as they all heard the front door open and close "yeah, not this time." Conrad told him, as he was playing with the end of Hannah's hair, Skye walked into the kitchen "um..I'm..I'm sorry. I..i tried to get her to call off the deal." they shared "it's not on you, Skye." Conrad told them "I know, but she's my mom, so I would get it if you guys were angry with me, too. I just can't deal with her right now." Skye shared.

"Hey, no one's mad at you, Skye." Jeremiah shared, putting his arm around them "so, what? We're supposed to go home now?" Steven asked "yeah. It's over." Conrad told them, as Hannah furrowed her brows "well then if it's over. Then we can't just leave it like this, we have to do something big, something we'll all remember for the rest of our lives once we our forced to leave this place." she shared "like what?" Conrad asked her "our mom's would have parties here every year from graduation bashes from when they were kids to in college where Laurel finally got to join in, to fourth of July bashes where this entire block became a party not just this house." she shared, throwing her arms out.

"And when your guy's mom's dad died, they then came back here with Laurel and threw another huge party. But no matter what there was always food, drinking, dancing, people jumping off the house and down into the pool, bonfires on the beach, firework shows. Every single one was like a Gatsby party where they invited practically everyone. Which I believe is exactly what Susannah would want for this place if we were losing it like this. So who's in?" she asked "I'm in." Jeremiah said "me, too." Taylor and Belly shared "me three." Skyler told them, raising they're hand "oh, I love this for us." Cam shared, as they all laughed.

"You in?" Steven asked Conrad, as they all looked to Conrad, Conrad looked to Hannah "you're right. I think this is exactly what my would've wanted. She'd love it." he told her, as Hannah smiled "okay. Time to shower, power nap, do whatever you've gotta do because there is a lot to be done if we're gonna have this ready in the next couple of hours." she shared "okay." Taylor said, as everyone walked out of the kitchen, Conrad put his arms around Hannah, leaning his head down to her neck, Hannah squealed "get off!" she voiced, laughing, she nudged him off of her, as she began running out of there.

Sometime had passed, Hannah had changed her clothes, wearing a green sun dress, Conrad wanted to go on a supply run as he drove, Jeremiah sat in the passenger seat, as Hannah and Belly sat in the back, where they all had stopped at the place to get alcohol "alright. So, the usual beer, tequila, vodka." Hannah shared "uh, gin for Skye." Jeremiah mentioned "who drinks gin?" Belly asked "old people and Skye." Conrad shared "yeah." Jeremiah told them "all right. I'll take care of this, guys." Conrad told them, showing them his fake ID "with that?" Jeremiah asked him "wait, does that say your from Guam? Everyone knows who you are Conrad!" Hannah voiced, as Conrad got out of the car, walking into the store.

The lucky one, Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now