RPF) Just A Glimpse (A.K.A.)

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Just A Glimpse (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: ADHD mentioned, talks about smacking pasta if that makes you uncomfortable (i guess)

Summary: Just a glimpse into the life of Kimi and you.

W.C. 1109

!! A/N Side note !! I am running out of chapters in this book, so I started another one! It is literally called Random Oneshots 2, and it is up on my account. It will follow the same upload schedule as this one. Please, don't forget to head over there as this book will be ending soon.

Thank you <3

Thank you <3

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Your relationship started back when neither of you knew what love was. Back when you were naive 16-year-olds, you and Kimi connected because you were from the same area. Back then, Bologna, Italy was not the biggest area, and you two clung together like magnets. It became a running joke when he came back to racing after a midseason break, glued to his phone, that he found someone.

That someone was you.

As your relationship progressed, you tried to be at as many races as possible, but when he first made the jump from FRECA to Formula 2, then Formula 1 at age 18, it wasn't that easy. You were just starting in university, and it was already difficult to attend the 14 race weekends. Never mind the 25 they were making F1 drivers do. Still, you tried your best, and Kimi was always supportive of your ambitions.

He also tried his best to keep you hidden, Sure, he talked about you here and there, but he never named you and never posted you. He wanted you to have the privacy to do your school work in peace without being bombarded by fans. You two decided you would probably announce your relationship when you finished your degree. If you decided to continue higher after that, you'd either do it online or suffer with the newfound attention. Granted, your accounts were private, but you still knew the fans would spam you somehow.

One of your favorite things to do is hide away in Kimi's driver's room. It was a common occurrence that you would be studying while Kimi was preparing for a race. More often than not, you would be sat on the couch studying or working on assignments while Kimi is either reviewing data or stretching and getting ready for a session. On the rare chance Kimi had nothing to do, he would ask you a million and one questions about your work.

"What's this essay about?" "That looks difficult." "Didn't you just finish a project for that class?" "That seems a bit much for a basic class." Those were some of the things he would say whenever he looked over your shoulder as you skimmed anything on your computer. His interest always gave you new motivation to keep going.

Another favorite for you was the nights between races. The nights when neither of you had anything to do other than be with each other. Sometimes you would force Kimi to do face masks with you (skin care is essential!), sometimes you two would try to cook, sometimes you would just cuddle, and in the event you do all three, all hell breaks loose.

"Stop moving so much," You hissed annoyed that this boy could not sit still for the life of him and let you put the mask on. You had already struggled enough trying to get all of his curly hair back, but now he was flinching away every time you tried to put the product on his skin. "I swear, you have ADHD."

"It's cold, and I don't like it. This one feels weird," He groaned but stopped moving and let you do your thing. "Why do we need to do the slimy one? Can we just use the clay one again?"

"Your skin needs hydration, not help with the texture," You explained as you laid the mask across his features. "Your face is inflamed and the clay mask will just make it worse. This one would actually benefit you."

"I better get cuddles after this," He mumbled as you finished up by washing your hands. Your mask had already been applied.

"After we make dinner, you can get all the cuddles you want," You compromised, thinking dinner would not take too long to make. It was a new pasta recipe you got from Kimi's nutritionist, and Kimi is Italian. What could go wrong? Those were your famous last words.

"Stop smacking the dough! The flour isn't mixed right!" You shouted, but it was no use. Kimi walked straight up behind you and smacked the dough pile again just after you added more flour. This caused a cloud of flour to hit the two of you directly in the face. "ANDREA!"

"Oh no," He muttered after he blew out the flour and went to wipe his face, but his hands got covered in the face mask he still had on. "Oh no."

"'Oh no'," You mocked as you gaped at him. "What did I just say?"

"Stop smacking it," He tried to sound serious and apologetic, but the smile on his face told that he was amused by the situation.

"And what did you do?"

"Smacked it."

"What did you learn?"

"Stop smacking pasta when you're mixing it."

That was it. You both couldn't help it as you both started laughing.

You made Kimi clean up the kitchen after you both washed off the floury face masks. You told him that since he got you into that mess, he could clean it up. While he did that, you called and ordered your favorite takeaway. You did not trust Kimi in the kitchen anymore. You went to pick it up, and when you came back, Kimi had cleaned the kitchen and set up a blanket fort in the common room. You chuckled to yourself as you walked up to the opening of the fort, but Kimi blocked you from entering.

"What's the password?" Kimi smirked as he only exposed his head and would not let you see inside.

"Is it Italian or English?" You countered.

"To make it easy, I'll accept English," Kimi teased as he watched you think.

"Hmm, the password has to be, 'I bought dinner, and if you want to eat tonight, you better let me in.' Is that right?"

"Actually, it was 'I love you' but I'll take it."

The inside of the fort was more than you expected. Kimi had moved the TV. down, so it fit inside, there were pillows and blankets everywhere, and your favorite drinks were in an ice bucket to the side. You were impressed he was able to get this all done while you were picking up the food.

"How did you get this done? I wasn't gone that long," You asked skeptically as you sat down and looked around.

"You walk slow," Kimi joked, but immediately after, the door slammed closed and someone texted Kimi.

"I better get credit for helping," It read from Ollie. You looked over at Kimi who was smiling sheepishly at you.

"Want to comment on that?"

"No, not really."

That's just a little glimpse into the life of you and Kimi.


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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