You never loved her Nobita

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Nobita: huh? Did you say something?

Dekisugi: ahh n_o i_ gue-es i-i di_d not say anyth- (got cut off by door swiftly opening and then they saw Doraemon coming inside)

Doraemon: Are you both deaf or something, I have been calling for you since forever. And you Dekisugi!! Can't you tell the house guards that I was coming... Ohh!! Only I know how difficult it was to convince them that I am here to meet you so that I can return your bag to you....
(Said with a hint of disappointment and anger)

Dekisugi: hehe 😅! I am sorry Doraemon.. and my bag?

Doraemon: here take your bag.. (said while throwing his bag on his face which made Dekisugi groan in pain)

Dekisugi: yaahhh you should not throw my bag like this!! 😠😤

Doraemon: I already did!! What are you gonna do now? Huh? Beat me? Bite me? Throw me out of your house?
(said while smirking as he knows his bestie can't do any of those things cuz he is the main source of contact for his love)

Dekisugi: ahhh you know I can't do any of these 😫😫..

And this continues till God knows how long...

And on the other Nobita was soo done with these two fighting with each other, but he was more surprised looking at this side of Dekisugi, and as he knows how irritating Doraemon can be the feelings of being annoyed by him are irresistible..

Nobita: Can you both now stop please? I am already having a headache and you both are making it worse...

Dekisugi & Doraemon: ohhh we are sorry Nobita... (They said in unison and then started laughing)

Nobita: there is nothing to laugh😑, anyways brother? Are you here to pick me up? If yess then let's goo, I can't handle you both besties annoying ass...

Doraemon: yess I am here to pick you up and also we are not as annoying as you and your bestfriend suneo are...

Nobita: whatever let's goo now...

Dekisugi: ahh wait!! Doraemon has came here at my house after so long,... How can I let him go just the second he comes... You both talk till then I will bring the snacks...

Doraemon: okay broo, take your time, I am in no hurry to go back home and also need to interrogate Nobita a lil.

And Dekisugi went downstairs to prepare some juice and snacks for them to enjoy..

Doraemon: so Nobita? Care to explain what wrong?

Nobita: what are you asking about brother (said in a lil nervous tone as he knows what Doraemon is asking about)

Doraemon: don't trick me Nobita, I want to know why you ran away after Shizuka told us about Arin,...

And now Nobita knows there is no way he can avoid this thing...

Nobita: brother...

Doraemon: yess tell me..

Nobita: I loved Shizuka....

And the room went silent, Nobita did not utter a single word and Doraemon was shook as how did his brother maintain to hide this thing from him, yet again Nobita spoke...

Nobita: I had a crush on her since 2 years now and I think I was gonna confess to her when we graduate.. I even used to hate Dekisugi because he was close to her and i thought he will take her away from me... I don't know what to do anymore brother...

Doraemon gained his senses back after listening to his brother and spoke..

Doraemon: Did you think you really loved her?

Nobita: huh what do you mean brother? I am not getting you?

Doraemon: are you sure you loved her and it was not a mere attraction? Are you sure you had given your heart to her, and not fallen for her beauty and kindness? Are you sure your heart loves Shizuka and not how Shizuka treats you, did you ever thought of consequences that will happen if you confess your love to her?....

Doraemon: think about these questions when you say you love her?

Now Nobita was in deep thoughts was his love really love or just a mere attraction towards her attitude.

Doraemon; I am not doubting your love brother I just want you to know that the thing you are calling is love, isn't love.

Nobita: then why was I jealous when someone was close to her?

Doraemon: that can be because she is your close friend who treated you nicely since day 1.

Now Nobita was really innocent deep thoughts, that's when Dekisugi opened the door with a lil gloomy mood but masked it with a fake smile..

Dekisugi: are you both done talking? Then let's have some snacks
(Said with a little cheerful voice to lighten up the mood)

Doraemon: thankyou Dekisugi, let's do our homework also here aswell..

Dekisugi: oh yess!! I also need the notes of today remaining lectures..

Doraemon: Nobita you should also do your homework here and suneo has already sent you the notes. So if you have any doubts do ask Dekisugi as you both are in same class..

Nobita: okay brother...

With that all three of them started doing homework...

*Time skip after 1 hour*

All of them are done with their homework, which included the besties bickering on small- small things and Nobita asking Dekisugi or Doraemon doubts if he had any otherwise he was silent whole time.

It was kind off surprising for Nobita to see this side of Dekisugi as if he is seeing some new person and not the same Dekisugi, who is known as cold ice in their school..

And after finishing their homework, Nobita and Doraemon bid their byee with Dekisugi and went to their home.


Hello guys I am back with another chapter of our story 'In love with my enemy' do Vote and Comment, I will update almost daily as I am having my holidays, after that I would schedule the posting days...

Stay tuned for next chapter..

I hope you like this chapter soo please show your some support, so that I get the motivation (and confidence) as I lack them, and you showing some interaction and will help me build up a lil confidence...

And thankyou for spending your precious time on my story. 🙇‍♀️.

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