Making him feel good....

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Nobita: do I really deserve being a friend of you all??


Dekisugi was little shock after hearing this..

Dekisugi: what made you think that Nobita?? Did any one say any thing to you... Just say their names and i will show them their right place... Please Nobita tell me what happened...

Nobita: The-re we-re fe-w stu-dents in- in the hall-way, who- who call-ed me- me gold dig-ger and we-re tal-king shit- about my fri-end-ship wit-h Suneo... Th-ey were- were saying th-at I- I am real-ly fake per-son, an-d I am wit-h Su-neo be-cause he- he ha-s mon-ey... Th-ey th-ink I- I am the one who asks Sun-eo to b-uy me all tho-se expe-nsive gifts... Also th-at I- I was wea_ring a fu-nky cost-ume in Sun-eo's birt-hday so th-at I can esc-ape givi-ng him gi-ft... Wh-at do th-ey ev-en know abo-ut the gift I ga-ve to Suneo... I lit-era-lly sav-ed my 4 mo-nths of poc-ket mon-ey to buy him g-ift... I d-on't care if my best-friend is rich or po-or I just, all I kn-ow is that he is my best fri-end... Have th-ey ever se-en our frien-dship from our pers-pect-ive... All th-ey see is Su-neo givi-ng me gi-fts but ha-ve they ever list-ened to the conve-rsat-ion we had the day be-fore that... Noo, all- all th-ey kn-ow is how to jud-ge us... Me a-nd Suneo have known each other sin-ce we we-re 6-years-old... What do th-ey thi-nk of them-sel-ves, yest-erday bef-ore Gian and Suneo's rela-tion-ship bro-ke out in the sch-ool they all- all were con-side-ring us as cou-ples, and la-ter th-ey all are sayi-ng that I- I am wi-th Suneo just- just bec-ause of his mo-ney....
(Said while heavily crying because he was hurt...)

Dekisugi was shocked after hearing this... He was now thinking of ways to kill those bishes who were bad mouthing about his baby...

(An: of course he is a mafia's son.. so he will definitely think about killing people's 😏)

Dekisugi hugged Nobita and started to calm him down.. after a few minutes when Nobita was all calm he spoke...

Dekisugi: you know what Nobita?

Nobita: hmm??

Dekisugi: those students are just jealous, because they don't have such a pure friendship like you and Suneo... And their opinion should not matter to you... You know right how protective Suneo is when it comes to you that he will even fight with Gian for you... You don't need to doubt yourself just because they said that doesn't mean they are right... Hmm!! And just look at them, they don't even have the courage to say those things to you while facing you... How coward of them right...

Nobita: yeahhh you are right....

Dekisugi: so now stop thinking about them and give me a smile...

Nobita smiled a little bit looked away feeling shy....

Nobita: don't look at me like I am a baby...

Dekisugi: of course you are a baby [my baby..]...

Nobita: noo I am not....

Dekisugi: yess you ar- (got cut off by sudden door knock)

Nobita: wait I will see who is it...

Nobita was about to get up from the bed but Dekisugi held his hand and said...

Dekisugi: you sit here I will check...

With that he went near the door, and once he opened the lock of the door the door git burst opened by Suneo who was looking a little angry followed by Gian, Kenji who was looking worried, Shizuka and Arin having concern look and lastly Doraemon who closed the door after entering....

Suneo directly went towards Nobita and cupped his cheeks before asking...

Suneo: just give me names and i swear they will be 6 feet under the ground by tomorrow... How dare they make my bestie cry...

Nobita: uhh- umm but who told you about me crying??

Suneo: Doraemon told us about you, and also told us the reason about you crying...

Nobita gave a sharp glare to Doraemon but Doraemon successfully ignored his glares...

Arin: how can they doubt on my sweet sweet buddy's friendship... They really want me to slap some brain inside them...

Shizuka: go ahead Arin I am with you...

Kenji: yeahhh how dare they hurt my brother in-la- (paused for a second after he realised what was he about to say and then again spoke) brother like this...

(An: umm hmmm something something 😏)

Gian: how dare they make Nobita cryy.. they really have death wish now...

Doraemon: yeahhh how can they say those nasty things about my brother... I will surely hack their phones and will put some system virus in their phones ....

Arin: you should do that Doraemon...

All this time when ever Nobita was trying to say anything some one or the other would interfere in between....

Dekisugi: guys can you please shut up now and listen to Nobita... He is trying to speak with you all from long...

First every one gave a glance to Dekisugi and then turned towards Nobita....

Nobita: thanks Dekisugi, guys now stop thinking about them... And thankyou all so much to make me feel like I am wanted and not just a substitute... Thankyou for making me realise that I have the most lovely friends in this world... Than- (got cut off in between)

Suneo: dare to say one more thankyou and I will kick you out of your window...

Nobita: okayy okayyy sir!!

And everyone started laughing....

Arin: by the way Dekisugi what were you doing here??

Now every one stopped laughing and was looking at Dekisugi...

Dekisugi: oh actually I was here to share these notes with Nobita as he told me earlier that he isn't able to understand few questions that's it....

Kenji: ohh okayy!

Suneo: by the way Nobita tomorrow I will show others who Suneo actually is... And i swear to god no one will be able to say a word about you any more...

Nobita: no Suneo don't do any thing...

Suneo: Nobita you want stop me this time... I will definitely show them what real friendship is...

Nobita sighed heavily as he knows what all his best friend can do....



Heyyoooooo cutiessss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'

Hope you all liked this chapter....

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And now, Byeee byeee see you in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned......

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