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Next day in the school...

The teacher (who conducted their test yesterday) entered the classroom with the test papers ...

Teacher: well done students, you all did well... By the way we have a new student in our class, please enter inside the class...

A boy came inside the class.....

(Guess who is it???)

If you guessed it well good for you....

It is....

Kenji: hello everyone I am Kenji Ikari, I came here from Australia... Hope we all get along, [and please don't interfere in my life, you all better stay away from me]...... (He thought the last line while giving a fake smile until his eyes meet his cousin's and friends eyes)

Teacher: okay Kenji, you can take a seat beside Dekisugi... Dekisugi please raise your hand....

Dekisugi was about to raise his hand, but Kenji spoke in between...

Kenji: no need sir I know him...

With that Kenji started walking towards Dekisugi, Nobita and Suneo, being all smiley, half of the class was already drooling over his handsome face....

Soon Kenji reached near his seat and after taking his seat he said, more like whispered to them...

Kenji: heyyy!! we met again, by the way why are you both (pointing towards Nobita and Dekisugi simultaneously) looking so surprised since I entered the class?? Don't tell me my dumb cousin did not tell you all that I am joining this school....

Dekisugi: yeahh you are kind of right, your cousin is really dumb.... (Said while lowkey giving hard glares to Suneo)

Suneo: hehe sorry guys 😅 I forgot....

Nobita: when will you ever start telling us things properly...

Teacher: okayyyy class time to give you your paper back with your results on it....

Now everyone was silent, waiting for their paper's to be given....

After distributing the papers back to the students, the teacher went towards his desk and said something...

Teacher: so class everyone did their best, but leaving 3 people's you all left the last 2 questions {yesss the same 2 questions which Nobita asked Dekisugi about..}.... And those 3 are Dekisugi, Haruko, and Nobita....

Everyone clapped their hands and Suneo was feeling proud for his bestie Nobita...

Teacher motioned them all to stop and they all stopped at once...

Teacher: Nobita after class come to   my office...

Nobita stood up before saying...

Nobita: okay sir. (Bowed slightly)

After a while the bell rang indicating that the class is over...

Outside of the class, when Nobita was making his way towards his maths teachers office...

Suneo: Nobita I guess you improved so well that the sir can't believe it....

Kenji: I think that too... Thankgod I did not joined the school yesterday or the teacher would have made me also write that paper....

Suneo: yeahhh you are one lucky bastard....

Kenji: hehe 😁...

Dekisugi: anyway, Nobita do you want us to accompany you??

Nobita: no need, I will go by myself you all just go to cafeteria I will join you all soon ...

Kenji: okayy Nobita see youuuu soonnn... Do tell us what happened over there....

Nobita: yeahhh I will!!!

With that they all left from there, and Nobita made his way towards the teachers office...

After reaching near the office Nobita knocked on the door lightly and went inside after hearing a come in from the teacher....

Nobita: sir? Why you called me??

Teacher: ohh Nobita, I have to discuss something about yesterday's paper....

Nobita: what do you wanna discuss about it sir??

Teacher: soo as I announced earlier in the class that there were only 3 people's who could solve the last 2 questions..

Nobita: yeahh you did...

Teacher: I have a doubt that either you or Haruko has cheated in those questions, as Dekisugi was seating behind you which makes it impossible for him to see or show his paper, but you and Haruko sit just beside each other, and both of yours writing style was same....

Nobita: but sir? If you are doubting 2 people's then why am I the only one here?? By any chance are you accusing me for cheating??

Teacher: you know Nobita, Haruko either comes 2nd or 3rd in my clas- (got cut off in between)

Nobita: soo just because she holds a particular rank in the class, there is no chance of her copying and just because I am a little weak in maths, you are accusing me for cheating....??

Teacher: listen to me first Nobi- (got cut in between again)

Nobita: what should I hear here sir... You are straight forwardly pointing your fingure on me for cheating, without any proper inspection...

With that Nobita stormed out of the office with tears threatening to fall down his eyes...

Teacher: Nobita, come back right now.. I am not done with my talking yet....

But there was no response.....

(An: how will there be any response when he went from there long time ago.... And this teacher needs to understand that, we should inspect before coming to conclusions... [̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠(̲̅⁠ ͡⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠] )

In the corridor-

Nobita was running away from the office trying his best not to cry, he went inside his classroom collected his bag and was about to go out of the class but somebody pulled him back towards himself...

Dekisugi: what happened Nobita, where are you going??

Nobita: leave me Dekisugi, I am good for nothing... Please let me goo...

Dekisugi: noo I won't let you goo, never in my life....

With that Dekisugi took Nobita with him towards the school terrace....

On the terrace-

After reaching on the terrace Dekisugi locked the terrace door and made Nobita sit on a desk before asking...

Dekisugi: so Nobita, now will you tell me what happened over the- (got cut by Nobita hugging him tightly before crying on his chest...)

Dekisugi was overwhelmed after being hugged by Nobita... But still it hurt him very much seeing his lover cry in front of him....

Dekisugi: please Nobita tell me what happened in the office... Why are you crying?? (Said with his super soft voice, while patting Nobita's back continuously)

Nobita: the- the maths tea_ch_er acc_uss_ed me for- for che_ating fr_om- from Har_uko Haruko's work.... (Said while crying his eyes out)


Hellooooooo cutiiieessssss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'....

Hope you all liked this chapter....

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Byeeee byeeee, seeee youuuu all innn theeee nexttttt chapterrrrr......

Till then stay tuned....

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