The kitchen mania..

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After reaching the kitchen area, Nobita saw some delicious food kept in front of him and the plus point was all of them were his favourite food. (Obviously it was his bestie who asked to make these food)

Nobita: wow 😲 these look soo delicious Doraemon, let's start eating ( saying that he turned around and saw Dekisugi which made him a lil shook)

And now both of them are having a staring competition 😂.

Meanwhile Doraemon near the kitchen door was staring at them with done face 😒. Then shouted in the air to gain their attention...

Doraemon: If people's are done with their staring competition then lets start eating I am really very hungry. (Said in loud voice which made both of them come back from their own world)

Nobita: uhh umm. What are you doing here instead of Doraemon?
(He said while being all nervous as Dekisugi was still staring at him a lil too deeply)

Dekisugi: you brought me along with you while you were coming here.. (said while still staring deeply at him)

Now Nobita was soo embarrassed that he wanted to bury himself inside the earth...

Nobita: ohh is that soo!! I am soo sorry... Heyyy Doraemon let's eat fast I have to study too... (He said while running towards Doraemon and taking a place beside him)

The others join them too as they could not resist the food infront of them...

(An: who can even resist tasty food?? Not me!! It will be a sin to not eat something delicious....)

Time skip: in the study room after they are done eating...

So right now these fools are trying to study for their exam.. and here's the twist. Don't know why but all of them (the younger ones obviously, as the elders are doing their assignments in some corner of the room) are studying different subjects, but the test is of only 1 subject.

Let's take a sneak peak at what the youngers are doing......

Arin: don't you all know which subject test are we having?

Suneo: isn't it obvious we are having English test?

Shizuka: are you sure if it is English? If yes, then, do you think  Nobita would be here studying with us in this mess, and not be alone in his room and study as it is his favourite subject and he doesn't like someone disturing him in that...

Nobita: you are right here Shizuka,!! we are having maths test you all...

Dekisugi: are you sure it's math and not science? I also don't really know which exam it is as I was a lil zoned out...

Suneo: Dekisugi!! I swear to god you are giving me heart attack today first the clock thing now you are telling us you were zoned out? You must be having some serious issues I guess....

Shizuka: yeahh!! Dekisugi has been a lil zoned out lately? What's the matter Dekisugi? Are you okay? Or are you sick?

Dekisugi: no no no!! I am totally fine... Nothing has happened to me I was just in deep thoughts about having test.. that is why I was zoned out.. yeah!!
(He said to others, which sounded like he was convincing himself by saying that)

Nobita: okay okay! I know you must be stressed.. but first let me check which test are we having.

With that Nobita turned towards Doraemon and called for him..

Nobita: hey brother!! Yesterday I told you about having a test right?

Doraemon turned his head towards Nobita and said..

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