Another secret revealed...

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Arin: no I want to be with my buddy... Leave me you dumbhead...(Said while trying to remove herself from Dekisugi's grip...)

Nobita: Dekisugi leave her....

Dekisugi left Arin immediately after Nobita told him to... and Arin went towards Nobita clinging on him before teasing him again...

[An: someone really knows how to use her future in law...]

Arin: blehhhh, you can't do anything now....

Dekisugi: I will tell aunt about you... just wait and watch...

Arin: no you can't always pull my mom in between our fights, she always takes your side..... (she said with a pout adorned her lips..)

Dekisugi: Because she knows who real brat is... now stop being dramatic and come here.....

And again, they started with their bickering....

(An: me and my siblings, when one of us does something really dumb shit known to mankind..)

Nobita: can you both please shut up... what are you both a 3-year-old kid? Who starts bickering for every small thing...

Now both of them are all quiet as if a kid just got scolded by his mother...

(An: well someone got power here...)

Suneo: thank God they stopped, or else who knows how long they would have fought with each other...

Doraemon: now that everything is over shall we go home now...

Shizuka: yeahh lets goo...

Gian: okayy guys byee!! see you all tomorrow...

Suneo: Nobita come aside I want to have a talk with you...

Nobita: about what Suneo??

Suneo: about the thing you have to do, to fix things between us...

Doraemon: you know what?? You both sound like couple right now...

Gian and Dekisugi were glaring at Doraemon as if they will dig holes in his body...

(An: yeahh, just glare at others, don't take further steps for your relationship... Fudging dumb bishes)

Nobita: shut up brooo!! Stop watching those shit dramas...

With that Suneo and Nobita went a little far from them... and others were watching them... first they saw Suneo whispering something in Nobita's ear and then they saw Nobita being all shocked and whining over something then they saw Suneo shaking his head in denial and later both of them came back with Suneo having a satisfactory smile and Nobita pouting...

Gian: you both done with your talks...??

Suneo: yeahhh we are done...

Arin: by the way what were you both talking about.?? [ she asked with curiosity]

Suneo: you will get to know that soon....

Nobita: I hate you Suneo... [ with that he left and sat in his car...]

Suneo: love you too broo... byeeee!!!

Gian: both of them will never get any better, lets go home guys... I want to sleep now....

With that one by one all of them left....

With Doraemon and Nobita in the car....

Doraemon: Nobita??

Nobita: Hmm??

Doraemon: what did Suneo told you that you are pouting since then...

Nobita: I can't tell you that, or he will beat me... but it's something I need to do on his birthday...

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