Even Dekisugi can be clumsy.

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After having dinner & chatting with friends Nobita and Doraemon were packing their stuff and Suneo called Nobita...


Nobita: hello?

Suneo: hello Nobita? Have you received the permission to come here at my home?

Nobita: yess I did get the permission... 😁😊

Suneo: okayy!! So are you packing your stufs rn?..

Nobita: yesss!

Suneo: then stop packing your stuffs and just carry your books and inners I have just bought something new for you to wear tomorrow and I want to see you wearing that so badly.. and you can't say no...

Nobita: so you don't want me to carry my clothes tomorrow other than what I am wearing as you have bought new clothes? For me? And you wanna see me in those really badly?

Suneo: yess!!

Nobita: bro?

Sune: hmm?

Nobita: do you really think I will trust you when it comes to these things...

Suneo: trust me broooo, you gonna love them...

Nobita: how do the clothes look like.? Share me their photos...

Suneo: sorry bro I can't.. they are surprise for you ..

Nobita: now I am kinda scared of what you gonna make me wear...

Suneo: don't you trust me bro? Really? Is this what we call friendship? Ain't I your bestfriend? Or are you planning to give that Arin my place?

Nobita: calm down broo.. I was just joking around.. you are my only bestfriend,... I ain't giving your place to anyone okayyy... So shut your mouth...

Suneo: good for for you...

Nobita: I know.. my one wrong step can make me meet heavens by your hands.. so I need to be careful...

Suneo: hehe 😁.. don't worry bro.. you have long life to live, so that I can annoy you more.. btw don't forget what I said you before.

Nobita: yeah yeah!! I will not bring my clothes.. hmm.. satisfied now?

Suneo: more than satisfied😊..

Nobita: okay then.. let me sleep. Byeee

Suneo: okay byee.. see you tomorrow.

With that both of them hanged up.

The morning came and everyone almost there at Suneo's house. Except  two people's (guess who 🤔)

And yeah you guessed it right it's Doraemon and Nobita. As Nobita refused to wake up in the morning to freshen up early which made them a few mins late maybe....

After reaching Suneo's house, Nobita and Doraemon ran near the main entrance and rang the doorbell.

The door got opened by Suneo,

Suneo: you both are late..

Doraemon: interrogate your bestie... not me..

Nobita: hehe 😅 sorry!! I overslept..

Suneo: okay now come in everyone else is already here...

With that they went towards the living room where they saw others looking at them, after coming in front of them Doraemon said,..

Doraemon: sorry guys we are late and the reason, Nobita will tell you (said while pushing Nobita in front of him)

Nobita: (after balancing himself back to his place) uhh umm actually guys- I-I maybe b-y cha-nc-e ove-rsle-pt...

Gian: can you please speak human language please we don't know what you trying to say...

Everyone excluding Nobita started laughing at this..

Nobita: (😑😑) I am saying that I overslept and got me and Doraemon late...

Shizuka: soo as you and Doraemon were late we should give you both punishment..

Gian: yeah yeah!! we should I would see Doraemon getting punished after soo long and now I am extremely excited..

Doraemon: heyyy it's not fair!!(😭😭)

Nobita: nowayyyy, we never decided to punish the late comers...

Dekisugi: can we just cancel the the punishment thing, and as Nobita said, we never decided that we will punish the late comer  anyway. So it would just be waste of our time..

Gian: come'on Dekisugi you can't do this just because Doraemon is your bestfriend...

(Doraemon in mind: he is stopping this punishment for someone else not for me guyss 😭😭)

Suneo: I guess Dekisugi is right.. we should just start our work..
Did you all had your breakfast?

Everyone except Dekisugi, Nobita and Doraemon said yess..

Suneo: I can understand the situation of Nobita and Doraemon for not having breakfast, but what's your reason for not having anything Dekisugi?

Dekisugi: actually the thing is that I did not set my wall clock in right time. Which made me think I that I was super late, so I ran for my life to finish my work...

Everyone was dead silent. Like why won't they? A genius and a super organised person like him, forgot to set the wall clock of his house...

Gian: btw Dekisugi why do you need a wall clock when you have your phone and an alarm clock to watch the time...

Dekisugi: actually my alarm clock broke down a few days ago because of a tiny accident, and about phone, that did not come into my mind 😅, and till the time I realised I was out of my house.

Doraemon: wahh broo!! I never thought these things can happen, when it comes to you... Like when did you start becoming clumsy..?

Dekisugi: bro!! I am a human too okay? I can make mistakes too..

Doraemon: are you really Dekisugi? 🤨, cuz what do you mean by you can make these kinds of mistakes? Like seriously? The person who would literally check everything around him 100 times, forgot to set his wall clock...

Nobita: Doraemon don't you think you are being a bit too dramatic right now?

Dekisugi: yeah Nobita is right you are being too much dramatic out of all, Doraemon...

Doraemon: ohh is that soo? But still I can't digest the fact that you forg-(got cut in between by Nobita)

Nobita: Suneo I am really hungry right now!! Can we just ignore Doraemon and have something to eat....

Doraemon: wait did you just cut me in betwe-(again got cut off by Dekisugi)

Dekisugi: yeah even I am hungry Suneo,..

Suneo: okay guys I knew these kinds of situations will come, that is why I already told aunt Han (Suneo's care taker) to prepare food for you guys and after preparing the breakfast she went home as I told her to have a day off.

Nobita: ohh really!! Then what are we waiting for let's go....

Nobita took Dekisugi's hand thinking it was Doraemon and ran towards the kitchen...


Hello cuties,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'.

Hope you liked it, do vote and comment your favourite part...

Okay byee see you in next chapter 👋....

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