Studying or bickering??..

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So now everyone is studying your authie's most hated subject science...

Gian, Doraemon and Dekisugi were helping others... Well it was Doraemon and Gian's favourite subject back in high school and we all know about Dekisugi though... So no comments...

It has been more than 2 hours that they are continuously solving questions while taking each other's help but as always Suneo and Nobita are whining over every question they see....

Suneo: why the fudge do they wanna know the gravity of this xx planet when they don't even know it's name.... 😭😭...

Nobita: Now, how in the hell is the rocket escaping the gravitational force of earth with -20965 kilometer per hour speed.... Which rocket can escape from Earth's gravitational force with negative speed...

Arin: And why do I need to tell, what will my electricity bill will be after I use 90 volt bulb in my house for 7 days continuously without turning it off... Like why should I calculate this... My electricity operator needs this not me... 😭😭...

(An: same questions I had in my mind when I was studying for science in class 10th borads... That was hella tiring to be honest....)

And now the three of them were (fake) crying like a kid does for ice cream...

Well did I forgot to mention that there is one more person who is just like Nobita and Suneo, whining over any questions they encounter...

And the others were looking at them with done look, as they were obviously so done by their behaviour which they are trying to handle them from past 2 hours....

Kenji: can you three please shut up... I need have to study for f*ck sake...

Suneo: you can't curse you little piece of shit...

Kenji: well for that you all need to shut your mouth.. you know I joined school in between and it's still not that difficult for me... You all are just not trying to understand the concept...

Arin: not our fault... Why do they need to put these kinds of questions which I will basically never use in my whole damn life ...

Doraemon: but atleast cry for real... Fake crying won't solve the problem anyways, so you should actually drop some real tears from your eyes atleast so that we will show some pity over you...

Nobita: I swear Doraemon when ever your wife will beat you for any thing I will always be in their side... Like who will even pity over such a useless brother any way...

Kenji ------------ ←⁠(⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠) is internally smiling ear to ear...

Doraemon: how cruel of you Nobita ... Don't even know your future in law and already on her side....

Nobita: well the feeling you are having right now is the same feeling I got when you spoke shit earlier...

Doraemon: are you hungry lil bro??

Nobita: yeahh i a- how do you know??

Doraemon: I knew it when you were behaving moody... -------------------- ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠) knows too much about Nobita ....

Nobita: fudge!! you know too much about me...

Doraemon: I obviously will, as we both share the same womb and same DNA...

Shizuka: well it's been long enough that we are studying for... So shall we prepare some snacks??

Doraemon: no we better go home.. because if this Lil bish (pointing towards Nobita) will eat snacks now then he will definitely skip dinner and wake me up at 3 am for food...

Nobita: i did that just for once...

Doraemon: really?? (Said while eyeing him)

Nobita: no maybe twice??

Doraemon: 👀👀

Nobita: okayyy!! It's been more than 7 times ...

Doraemon: yeahh now it sounds good..

Arin: why do you need to wake Doraemon anyways, Nobita??

Doraemon: because If I won't wake up then who will cook for him... Because mom will definitely disown him...

(An: I don't know why am I in the mood of fighting (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) )

Dekisugi: guys can you both now shut up... And I think we should prepare snacks for us... No one is going home without having something here...

Arin: why don't we prepare dinner then... Until the dinner is prepared we can still study...

Gian: well the idea sounds good...

Dekisugi: I guess we can do that... What about others ...

Doraemon: umm about that I think I need to inform mom... And also I need to check whether I have bought Nobita's medicines...

Nobita: I have my medicines with me in my bag.... No need to check...

Doraemon: woww!! You didn't forget your medicine today...

Nobita: don't start fighting again and go ask mom till then I will come after drinking my medicines...

Doraemon: okayyy wait I am going...

With that Doraemon left from there, and Nobita too went to have his medicine...

Shizuka: I just messaged my mom and she said okay...

Suneo: well I have no problem... And Kenji also won't have any problem...

Arin: my mom probably will not make anything as I am here so who am I to refuse...

Dekisugi: well why will you even have a choice of rejecting when you were the one who suggested the idea... ---------------------- ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑) is really happy about Nobita staying a little longer...

Arin: yeahh!! I know I have sexy brain brother...

And at that moment both Nobita and Doraemon entered the library and sat on their places..

Doraemon: mom agreed guys... And she said to come home early, so we might leave after having dinner...

Arin: no problem broo, no one is staying here after that....

Dekisugi: but I am staying here only...

Arin: well you know what, that the 'no body' in my sentence, i was referring to you...

Dekisugi: you lil-

Arin: Dekisugi broo we can fight later first let's inform aunt about dinner...

Dekisugi: okayy I am going to inform her...

Arin: hmm!! Now goo fast...

And Dekisugi left from there and came back after informing her...

They all again started studying while the trio (Nobita, Suneo, and Arin) are still cursing the questiona, because according to them they still don't make sense.. while the others are trying their best to make them understand...

After some time the dinner was prepared so they all had their dinner and left for their house ...



Heyyoooooo cutiessss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'

Hope you all liked this chapter....

Do vote and comment on your favourite part...

Well as I informed you all earlier, I had my University's first day yesterday.. and I had continuously 5 lectures back to back without any break in between... And then had a seminar for almost 2 hours which made me damn tired, so I could not complete this chapter yesterday.. I am truly sorry for that....

Now, Byeee byeee see you in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned...

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