Plans and permissions..

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Gian: stop glaring at me!! And let's order food. I am hungry....

Everyone: yeah lets eat....

#Time skip-after school...*

Now all of them are in the parking lot deciding God knows what.
(An: but I do know that🤭)

So basically the youngers are planning to study together for their upcoming class test and the 2 elders want to tag along with them as they have a project to submit too..

Nobita: so has anyone decided who's house we all are gonna do our work in... Because my parents would be there tomorrow, so we cant take risk, of loosing the control over our mouth...

Suneo: how about my house, my parents rarely comes, soo it's always empty, with few maids and guards and there is enough rooms for us to pull nightover..

(An: so guys Suneo lives alone in his big ass house, or what we can call that is mansion, with some maids to take care of the house and some gaurd outside of the house, it's soo sad. 😭🥺)

Shizuka: yeahh a sleepover sounds so good, right guys?

Gian: yeahh I agree too. It would be soo fun..

Others: okay then!!! Suneo's house is where we all gonna meet....

Nobita: So all are free tomorrow (Saturday) right?

Dekisugi: yess we all are free..

Doraemon: so we all are gonna come at Suneo's house at 11:00 am. So no one is gonna come late. Alright?

Everyone: yess..

*Time skip- after reaching home...*

Nobita: uhh umm Doraemon?

Doraemon: yess Nobita?

Nobita: do you think mom dad will give permission to me?

Doraemon: don't be stressed Nobita I am there with you.. if they don't agree at once I will persuade them. Okay?

Nobita: I am still a lil nervous..

Doraemon: don't be my baby brother they would let you go when I am there with you...

Nobita: okayyy I have high hopes from you brother...

*Time skip- at the dinner table*

After the dinner was served, everyone started eating silently until Doraemon spoke.

Doraemon: mom dad?

Both: yes Doraemon?

Doraemon: actually me, Nobita and our friends have decided to meet at Suneo's house to have a group study...

Mom: why will the highschoolers study with you college people's?

Nobita: ahh the thing is mom that we have a test and Doraemon and Gian have a problem t to be done, so we thought to meet tomorrow at Suneo's house so that we all can study and....

Dad: and what?

Doraemon: if you permit us we will also have a sleepover at his house and will come at evening on Sunday ... Please 🥺 permit us mom dad, it's been soo long we last had a friends night out..

Mom: hahaha, why are you pleading? Yess you both can go.

Dad: And Doraemon you need to take care of Nobita... Hmm?

Doraemon: yess dad I will...

Nobita: ahh haa!! Dad I am old enough to take care of my self, why do you all need to treat me like a kid 😑😭😤.

Dad: hmm really? I don't think soo.

And everyone except Nobita started laughing here...

Nobita was winning but did not say anything anymore as he knows it's rare for his parents to let them go....

After having dinner Nobita and Doraemon were packing their stuff and Suneo called Nobita...

*Meanwhile- at Gian's home.*

While having dinner Gian thought of telling his parents about tomorrow's plan.

Gian: mom dad actually me and my friends decided to have a group study session tomorrow at Suneo's house and we will also stay back for a sleepover. I will be back on Sunday evening.. so can I please go?

Mrs.Goda: yess you can go my child..

Mr.Goda: and yeah take care of yourself and others also...

Gian: yess dad I will.

And after dinner when he reached his room he opened the group chat and messaged them..

In the group chat..

Gian: heyy guys, I have got my permission for tomorrow.. how about you all...

Doraemon: ohh great even me and nobita got our permission for tomorrow too..

Dekisugi: ohh good for you guys!!!

Doraemon: what about you Dekisugi??

Dekisugi: actually my parents are not there at my home so I will just tell the maid tomorrow before going ...

Doraemon: okayy brooo!!

Shizuka: I also got my permission.

Arin: even I have gotten my permission for tomorrow!! Yeahhh!!

Nobita: wahh!! I will have my buddy coming tomorrow,...

Arin:🤭🤭 yeah I will be there..

Dekisugi: shouldn't we all start packing? (An: someone is jealous I see 👀)

Everyone: yeahh we should. Byee!!

Suneo: see you all at my home, tomorrow, byeee...

And here we are with the new chapter of our story 'in love with my enemy'

hope you all liked it ....

Do comment and give me some reviews about the story till now, and also tell me if there should be anything that can be changed or added 😉.. I will gladly accept your opinion and will work on my flaws..

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