Normal school day with a little twist.

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After settling down on their seats which is Nobita and Suneo together on the second last seat and Dekisugi behind them on the last seat.

Nobita and Suneo were randomly talking with eachother while Dekisugi was reading a novel and side by side looking at Nobita moment by moment.

The teacher came and all the other students started taking their seats.

Teacher: Good morning class I am your new homeroom teacher for this year, let us all take care of each other.

Class: good morning teacher (while singing like we all do 😁)

Teacher: Now please introduce yourself one by one.

After the introduction was done, the teacher said.

Teacher: okayy soo as almost more than half of the time is over already I will start teaching you from next class onward so till then you can enjoy your time...

With that the class started cheering up and began to mind their own business.

After the other classes were over Nobita, Suneo and Dekisugi made their way towards the cafeteria.....

*Time skip in the cafeteria*

Nobita and Suneo entered the cafeteria while messing with eachother and behind them came Dekisugi silently watching the other two.

They saw their friends and sat with them. They all were sitting together.

Nobita steal some glances from shizuka who was busy talking with Doraemon, and started blushing.

But someone totally unkown boy came near their group and stood near shizuka.

Boy: shizuka, can we talk for a moment in private, please..?

Shizuka: sure Minata, what do you wanna talk about?

Minata: not here please let's go in a lil private place..

Shizuka: okay let's go (said to the boy).. (turn towards the group and said) I will be back in few mins guys..

Everyone (except Nobita): yeahh sure shizuka..!!

Then shizuka made her way out of the cafeteria with shizuka..

And Nobita was in deep thoughts until Doraemon shook him out of his thoughts and spoke.

Doraemon: Nobita where are you lost, did something happened?? Look I ordered food for you now eat it.

Nobita: ohh!! nothing happened Doraemon I was just thinking about something.. hehe 😅

Doraemon: okayy now eat the food and don't pick on any food or I will tell mom..

Nobita: yeah!! Mr. Mom's spy.. I am eating.

Doraemon: someone really needs nice beatings.

Nobita: noo way you gonna do that.

Nobita: I am done eating, suneo let's go!!

Suneo: heyy wait let me finish mine first then we'll go.

Nobita: okay eat fa-
(Got cutted in between when shizuka entered the scene and Doraemon asked shizuka)

Doraemon: shizuka, what happened? why are you looking down?

Shizuka: Nothing happened Doraemon, it's just that guy confessed to me..

Nobita: HE DID WHAT???

Doraemon: slow down Nobita or you'll become centre of attention. And shizuka what was your ans??

Shizuka: I said to him that I don't reciprocate his feelings as I love someone else.

And here Nobita's heartbeat stop..

Nobita (thinking): shizuka loves someone else? Who is that person? Is there any possibility that it can be me? If it's me then why has she not told me yet? Or is it that she is waiting for me to confess my feelings to her? If yess then I will confess to her as soon.. hush I am just overthinking for no reason.

At this moment he saw Dekisugi having a small smile on his face while looking near his direction and Nobita thought that he must be staring at shizuka (as she was sitting between him and Doraemon) and must be happy that she did not accept the proposal..

Nobita (thinking): ohh wait how can I forget that there is a possibility of Dekisugi being that person too. Ahhh how much I hate this man 😫.

And Nobita started glaring at Dekisugi who looked at him with confused eyes but shruged it off..

Suneo: Nobita, Dekisugi shall we go to class the bell has rung already.. And Nobita where the hell are you lost again!!

Nobita while coming back from his thoughts: ohh!! Hehehe sorry I just zoned out..

Suneo: anyways let's goo.

With that the 3 of them moved out of cafeteria while shizuka also came behind them and said...

Shizuka: heyy guys wait I need to tell you something.

Suneo: yess shizuka, what you wanna talk about?

Shizuka: umm guys tomorrow i want to introduce you all to someone special. And yeah Dekisugi don't you dare to skip coming in cafeteria or I will kill you with my bare hands...
(She said this according her 5  years of being in the friend group she know that the boy mostly doesn't come to the cafeteria)

Dekisugi: yeah shizuka I won't skip comingthere tomorrow as you wish, anything else you want from me?
(He said slightly laughing by the threat he just got from the girl)

And this made Nobita jealous af as he saw shizuka laughing on what Dekisugi said which according to him felt like Dekisugi was flirting with shizuka...

Nobita: Suneo let's goo or we will be more late, byee Shizuka see you after school...
(Said looking kinda mad)

This made the other 3 of them confused, but it clicked Suneo as he just remembered that shizuka is Nobita's crush (this forgetful Lil bish) soo he started walking away with Nobita saying byee to the other 2.

*Time skip after school*

All of the friends meet each other near the parking lot where Nobita was still glaring at Dekisugi who was peacefully talking with Shizuka about some study related things (this guy gonna dig holes in Dekisugi's body someday just by his eyes) and then Doraemon spoke.

Doraemon: okayy friends byee see you all tomorrow and Nobita let's goo home..

Everyone bid theirs byess and went into their own cars.

Nobita and Doraemon also made their way to the home.

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