Shopping time..

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After reaching and getting inside the mall Suneo grabbed Nobita's hand and started dragging him from one shop to another... Others ignored them (except 2) and started doing their own shopping...

And here Gian and Dekisugi were sulking over them not being close to their future partners✨...
(An: only if you both bishes confess, till then dream on...)

Dekisugi: can't Suneo just shop by himself (asked to Gian)

Gian: you are asking me this like I can control Suneo's action... Even I wanted to shop with Suneo, but there he is with Nobita...

This was all heard by Doraemon..

Doraemon: ahh!! You both possesive ass would never change... Just go and shop for your self, and leave my brother and his friend alone for a moment... (With that he also went away)

Gian: I swear to god, when I will get to know that this bish (pointing towards Doraemon who was walking away) has crush on someone, it would be his last happy days....

Dekisugi: I am with you Gian...

Gian: hmm.. now let's go and shop something for ourselves....

Dekisugi: okayyy!!

With that they also went to shop for themselve and also shopping for their future partners secretly...

Time skip- after the shopping was done....

Here Shizuka, Arin, Kenji, Doraemon, Gian were calling other 3 to reach at the place they were standing currently...

Gian: where the hell are these 3?? I am damn hungry... We have to go home tooo....

Shizuka: I think Nobita and Suneo are coming here… [said while pointing towards two people who were coming in their direction while carrying loads of shopping bags….]

Nobita and Suneo reached in front of them and Nobita kept all of the bags down on the floor while saying….

Nobita: I swear to God Suneo, never in my life will I ever come for shopping with you…  [he said with a little hint of pain in his voice after carrying so many bags]

Suneo: Yeah yeah!! We will see that….

Nobita whined a little as he knows that he can’t avoid his best friend no matter what…

Doraemon: now they are also here!! What is Dekisugi doing till now??

Suneo: what do you mean?? Aren’t we the last one to arrive here??

Doraemon: sadly no!! you aren’t…

Nobita: then why aren’t anyone of you calling him???

Doraemon: we did, he isn’t picking up anyone’s call…. why don’t you try calling him…

Nobita: if he isn’t picking up anyone of your calls, then do you think he will pick my call up??

[Doraemon in mind: he will definitely pick your call broo, no matter what ever he is stuck into, there is no way in the heaven he will avoid your calls….]

Doraemon: I think you should try Nobita… who knows if he picks up your call by any chance….

Nobita: okayy okayy I will try calling him....

Nobita removed his phone from his pocket and dialed Dekisugi’s number..  after 3-4 rings Dekisugi picked his phone up…

Nobita: he picked up his phone!!!

(Doraemon in mind: Dekisugi you traitor, I will kill you with my bare hands…)


Nobita: hello Dekisugi!! where are you?? we have been waiting for you here in front of the food court…

Dekisugi: ohh actually sorry!! I was buying something, that I lost the track of the time, I am on my way right now so don’t worry…

Nobita: okayy come fast….

With that Nobita hanged up the call…

Doraemon: what did he say??? Where is he???

Nobita: he said that he was buying something, and now he is on his way here… ohh wait he’s here… (said while pointing towards the backside of Doraemon)

Everyone turned their head towards there and saw Dekisugi with 3 bags??

Gian: wait- don't tell me it took him so much of time just to buy this much??

Shizuka: it's so obvious Gian, we all know how picky he becomes when it comes to shopping anything for himself, or for anyone else....

Doraemon: yeahh!! You are right...

Dekisugi reached near the and said..

Dekisugi: sorry guys I made you all wait for soo long ....

Arin: it's okayyy!! now let's go and eat something....

Others: yess let's gooo!!

Dekisugi: umm actually guys... I need to go home right now...

Doraemon: what?? Why??

Dekisugi: actually my parents have came back just now.. and I got a call from them before coming here... So they have called me home as soon as possible... Soo I need to go...

Doraemon: then wait let me drop you.. your car is at Suneo's house...

Dekisugi: don't worry, I booked a cab and will go to Suneo's house first and then take my car from there....

Doraemon: okayy go safely, call me once you reach, say hello to uncle and aunty from everyone of us...

Dekisugi: yeahh I will!! Now byee my cab is here...

With that Dekisugi left from there...

Doraemon: I just hope he will be okay... (Said while looking towards Dekisugi disappearing figure..)

Gian: yeahh I hope that too...

Arin: why are you both so concerned?? And what are you guys saying??

Suneo: it's actually Dekisugi's relationship with his parents isn't that good...

Kenji: ohhh!!

All this time there was a particular someone who was all silent [you all know who is that someon], after Dekisugi announced about his parents arrival... Because only he has seen how vulnerable Dekisugi can be if he (Dekisugi) has an argument with his parents.. and he always does that, don't know why...

And now the atmosphere had become all gloomy, so to lighten up everyone's mood Doraemon spoke...

Doraemon: guys weren't you all hungry?? So shall we eat something, because the rats in my stomach wants to come out and you all know how much I hate rats....

Gian: okayy let's goo guys...

Everyone helped Suneo and Nobita carry their bags, and with that they entered the food court, had some snacks and went out of the mall...

Now Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka and Arin are in one car as Doraemon said that he will drop them on their way back...

Gian, Suneo and Kenji were in another car, so Gian will drop by Suneo's house on his way home.....

And all of them went to their own house......


Helloooooo cutiesssss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'..

Hope you all liked this chapter..

Do vote and comment on your fav part....

Btw I wanted to ask something, is the story becoming boring?? (Because I am having this feeling) Soo please honestly tell me if I need to improve anywhere....

And byee byee!! love you all... See you all in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned.....

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