if I won't spoil my bestie, then who will??

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Nobita: oh really?? Then why don't you confess to Gian already huh?? 😏...

Suneo: to be honest, I think he does not feel the same about me.. soo it will just break our friendship.. and my chance to see him with those same loving eyes will be gone... So it's better to keep it low

Nobita: fudge you brooo...

Suneo: now that I am done with interrogation (notification sound came and Suneo open his phone to see the food got delivered at his place) and the order is already here, why don't we eat something first...

Nobita: what about freshing up??

Suneo: we will do that after coming, and I hope you did not bring any of your clothes.... Cuz if I see wearing anything else other than the clothes I give you to wear, then I will disown you there and then....

Nobita: yeah yeah, who am I to disobey you...

Suneo: good for you...

Nobita: I just wish the clothes are normal unlike last time....

Suneo: that's up to how you look in those clothes, not my fault tho...

Nobita: whatever, i can't do anything else as I have not even bought clothes to wear and these clothes i have worn are too uncomfortable to sleep with...

Suneo: good!! Now let's go the delivery person might be here....

With that both of them went to the living room...

After reaching living room they saw everyone's else already there with the food package in their hands...

Doraemon: what took you both soo long?? And why haven't you changed your clothes yet?? And Nobita what are you gonna wear now?? Because as long as I know you did not pack a single pair of clothes...

Nobita: chill brother!! Why so many questions at once...

Suneo: I know right... Btw we were having some private talks and about Nobita's clothes I have bought plenty of clothes for Nobita a few days ago... So I want him to try on some of those today...

Doraemon: how cruel of you Suneo, to just buy things for Nobita... Aren't we your friends??

Shizuka: yeahhh, aren't we your friends??

Suneo: umm actually guys! I don't know your size 🫠 (said being a lil embarrassed for no reason)

Doraemon: ohh still it doesn't justify you buying things only for Nobita.. not only clothes but anything...

Suneo: he (Nobita) is my bestie soo isn't it obvious that I will buy things for him and spoil him, because if I won't spoil my bestie then who will??...

Doraemon: humph!! Both of you are spoiled brat!!

Suneo: what did you sa- (got cut in between by Nobita)

Nobita: shut up guys!! I am hungry and need food.. we can argue on this topic later....

Dekisugi: yess please let's eat fast.. we have do a movie night too...

Doraemon: okay okay!! Let's eat first, Nobita needs to take his medicines too...

Nobita: wait- about medicines, i think I forgot to bring them....

Doraemon: who was even dependent on you you anyway.. i have bought them already. Just don't forget to take them before going to sleep...

With that they went to have their food...

While having food....

Arin: By the way Suneo?

Suneo: yess Arin what happened?

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