Cooking or staring?

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Doraemon: Nobita!! Be careful don't do any mistake and spoil Dekisugi's name....

Nobita: I will not okay? Do your own work now..

Dekisugi: come'on Doraemon don't demotivate him before he even starts working.. and about spoiling my name I trust Nobita for that.. (said while smiling at Nobita while looking into his eyes 👀)

This made Nobita's heartbeat run a marathon...

But Doraemon being him won't let his friend have a peace time with his lover...

Doraemon: don't do that broo, you don't know but Nobita is banned from kitchen in our house.....

Everyone except Dekisugi (who was in his own world still staring at Nobita) and Nobita was laughing at this comment passed by our dear Doraemon...

Nobita: can't you just shut for a moment.. don't you like to cook by yourself without any disturbance, then please do your work and don't interfere in here...

After saying this he turned towards Dekisugi who was still staring at him deeply..

(An: Dekisugi, you should stop being so love sick fir this moment bro...)

Nobita (while clearing his throat): so what should I help you with 😊..

Dekisugi: uhh umm, can you cut those strawberries please..(said after coming back to world)

(Nobita in his mind: wait do I need to cut these... How will I? But I need to do as I myself told him that I will help him... So let's just give it a try...)

Dekisugi: hmm okay..

It's been 15 mins since Nobita is trying to cut those strawberries, and it seems impossible for him to cut them....

And do you know why?

It's because our dear Nobita is trying to cut the strawberries with the back side of the knife which isn't sharp...

(An: no one's gonna call Nobita dumb for this 😤. Because I am also bad at cooking and can't handle knifes 😭😭..)

Dekisugi went towards Nobita to take a look at how much he was done with the cutting work... But what he saw made him shook.. As Nobita didn't even chopped a single strawberry... The later he saw how Nobita was holding the knife and chuckled lightly before saying....

Dekisugi: that's not how we hold knife Nobita.. (said while grabbing Nobita's hand while taking the knife and placing it in the right position)

Dekisugi: see this is how we hold the knife... Do you know how to cut things with them?

Nobita: umm actually I don't know how to cut them 😔🤧. I am sorry!! All I am doing here is troubling you (said with soft and a little broken voice as if he will give up right now)

Dekisugi: no Nobita!! Don't say sorry.. it's not your fault that you could not learn these things.. don't worry I will teach you this...

Nobita: no Dekisugi don't waste more time. It would make no sense...

Dekisugi: shh !! Don't speak soo much and let me teach you this...

Nobita: uhh okayy?

After saying this Nobita was about to move back but Dekisugi grab him by his hand and placed him on his previous place and stood behind him...

Nobita stopped in between when he felt the closeness between them...

He was just staring at Dekisugi who was also staring at him back...

They were continuously staring at each other for God knows for how long...

Until Nobita's dear brother Doraemon does his part as an annoying brother should do....


This made both of them snap out of their starring competition and moved away from each other being all awkward....

Doraemon: are you ignoring me again? Ahhhh!! I am soo frustrated now... Listen you both (while pointing towards Nobita and Dekisugi) do your work fast and come out, everyone is already done and are waiting for both of you so that they can serve the food.. soo come there fast...

They both were surprised after hearing that all of them are done cooking and are waiting outside for them...

Dekisugi: umm Doraemon??

Doraemon: yess?tell me what happened...

Dekisugi: do one thing...

Doraemon: What do I need to do?

Dekisugi: serve some food for both of us and you all can start eating, we will be there in few minutes as we are also almost done.... Is it okay with you Nobita??

Nobita: uhh umm? Ohh yeahh!! I am okay with it..

Doraemon: okay then, I will do that but come fast please...

Dekisugi: yeah we will be quick...

And Doraemon went outside of the kitchen towards the dinning area... Leaving Nobita and Dekisugi alone in the kitchen....

Dekisugi: Nobita I guess it would be good if I do the work alone for now as we have less time...

Nobita: hmm you are right.. but till the time what am I gonna do hear??

Dekisugi: you can do one thing...

With that he picked Nobita up and placed him on the kitchen counter effortlessly, as if nobita weights nothing...

Dekisugi: you can sit here and give me some company while I will take care of, rest of the things (said after placing Nobita on the counter, then started folding his shirt sleeves till his elbows)

(An: I can imagine him looking hot af while just while writing this 😏)

(Nobita in his mind: shit- why is he soo hot??? Ohh my goddd am I crushing over Dekisugi's veiny arms??? Wait why does it matter if it's veiny??? Hmm, His girlfriend will be lucky to have such a hot pack of meal with- WHAT THE FUDGE AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT?? AM I GONE MAD OR SOMETHING??)

(An: can you all imagine Nobita thinking all of these things with a straight face.. looking straight into Dekisugi's eyes which were busy focusing on preparing the milkshake??)

Dekisugi placed the glasses in the tray, and turned towards Nobita...

Dekisugi: here Nobita see we are done...

Nobita snapped back to reality after Dekisugi's called for him, and said...

Nobita: what do you mean by us?? It was just you who did everything (he said as a light pout adorned his face)

Dekisugi: don't make those faces or I will not be able to control myself anymore (said in low voice more like whispered to himself)


Hello cutiesssss

Here we are with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'..

And you know what....

We've finally reached 1k 🎉🥳🎊

Party party Yeahhhh!!!!

Thankyou for your love and support beautiful people's...

You all are generous enough for reading my boring story, 😭... I will improve myself more from now on...

Thankyou once again.....

Okayy byee byee see you all in next chapter.. till then stay tuned...

Love you all 😘....

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