Suneo's cousin....

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Nobita: oh really?? Thankyou!!! (he said while smiling brightly)

Dekisugi: hmm your welcome...

They reached the living room and saw their friends already settled.....

So they went towards them and Nobita saw Doraemon and spoke to him....

Nobita: did you all choose a movie already.??

Doraemon: yeahh we di- (got cut in between when the main door's bell rang)

Doraemon: Everyone and everything is cutting me off in between, these days....

Everyone laughed at how Doraemon was soo irritated...

Now every looked at Suneo... Then Dekisugi asked..

Dekisugi: Suneo are we expecting someone here??

Suneo: No I guess??  ohh shit- I think I forgot to tell you about my cousin coming today... Now what should I do?? Should I hide?? Or should I just run away from the house??

Nobita: calm down broo!! Why are you hidding from him?? It's not like you have done something wrong to him...

Suneo: oh yeahhh (signed in relief)

Again the door bell rang followed by a hard knock on the door...

Suneo: let me go and open the door first...

With that Suneo went towards the main door and opened the door...

Then Suneo came back with his cousin...

And Doraemon was stuck on his place not being able to take his eyes off from the person infront of him....

Then Suneo started introducing his cousin to others….

Suneo: So, guys this is my cousin Kenji Ikari….


Kenji Ikari
-19 years old.
-Suneo's cousin
-in last year of high school.
-a really sweet but sassy person, also good in studies..
-will become someone's love life...
-loves photography..


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Others (except Doraemon): Hellooo Kenji, nice to meet you!!!

Kenji: Hello everyone, nice to meet you all!!!

Suneo: And Kenji, let me introduce you my friends…

Kenji: Sure!!!

Suneo: Okay, this is Shizuka, and her girlfriend Arin… [said while pointing towards them]

Kenji: You both look cute together….

Shizuka & Arin: Thankyou!!!

Suneo: That is Doraemon and his brother AKA my best friend Nobita… [ said while pointing towards them]

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