Planning for finals...

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It's been 4 month since the watch incident happened and since then Nobita and Suneo are wearing similar watches, doing friendship (couple) goals....

Well 2 people's were really jealous about this thing so the found out the solution....

And guess what the solution was??


You guessed it right (if you did) they could not do anything as Doraemon gave them nice lecture about how they should not be jealous of them ....

(An: For the one's who thought that they bought same watches like them... Nahh nahhh brooo I won't let that happen...)

So yeahhh now let's get back to the real story.... (This was real too but still)


So basically the high schoolers are having their final exams soon....

(An: don't think I am ending the story soon as I am ending their school days... Come on guys there is a long ass story still left...)

And now all of them are here in the cafeteria thinking of how will they cope up with studying those subjects...

Well one person who was having his food with out any stress, being fully chilled as he had studied since day one... And that person is none other than our dear topper, 'THE GREAT DEKISUGI'....

Now let's take a sneak peak at what they might be discussing....

Suneo: guysssss how will I even study all these things... I will cry 😭😭😭😭 ahhh haa haaa.... (said while making crying sounds...)

Nobita: it's okay broo you can do it....

Suneo dramatically fall on Nobita's arm and started fake crying before saying...

Suneo: you saw the syllabus?? When ever I see any topic in that book I get the thought of 'when were we taught this topic?.. ohh have we finished this chapter too??.. where was i when the teacher taught this??..' so you tell me how will I even study... 😭😭😭

(An: Suneo is me when ever I open my book to study...)

Nobita: calm down broo... If you be more anxious you won't be able to study... So don't be anxious... Hmm??

Suneo: okayy I will try too..

Arin who was tensed about Suneo saw Dekisugi eating his food without being bothered by the coming exams...

Arin: how are you even eating your food peacefully Dekisugi?? Aren't you tensed about coming exams??

Dekisugi: why should I be stressed about that??

Arin: ohh yeahh!! How can I forget, that Mr. Topper isn't afraid of exams ....

Dekisugi: don't mock me Arin, I am warning you for the last time...

Arin: and what will you do if I don't stop Mr. Topper....

Dekisugi: well I will just give a call to aunt and we can later see what all can happen...

Arin whined a little before saying ...

Arin: whyyy do you always need to pull mom in between our fights...

Dekisugi: well, it might be because I am her favourite child you know...

Arin: I know that thing very well.. hmph....

Dekisugi: so you better shut your mouth up...

Arin: I hate you brother...

Dekisugi: feelings are mutual my dear sister...

Every one there were watching their drama while making this face Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠) ....

Shizuka: guyss how about we do a group study this time too... You know it will help all of us like it did last time...

Kenji: not a bad idea though... I will be the most benefited person here as I came a month after the school started ...

Suneo: I also agree with this... You know last time I scored so well...

Nobita: hmm!! I think it will be a good idea as we can share our knowledge with each other...

Now every one looked at Dekisugi as is he is their God for the time being... Well he is because if he won't join the study session none of them, I repeat none of them will study and will start chatting and gossiping about others...

Dekisugi: if you all have agreed on it, then who am I to back off... Soo yeah we will study together...

Every one cheered up as they know now their biggest problem has been solved...

The 2 seniors were looking at them thinking of ideas to join the juniors...

They both (Doraemon and Gian) looked at each other and nodded as if they were agreeing on some thing... And then Doraemon spoke...

Doraemon: guys if you don't mind can we both also join you all...

Nobita: and why do you wanna join brother??

Gian: so that we can help you all in studies... You know we studied the same thing as you all are doing...

Doraemon: and also our semester holidays have started so we don't have anything to do at home so let us join please....

Arin: yeahh we should let them join us guys, you know the more the merrier....

Suneo: yeahh you both can join us...

Nobita: but I am warning you both that you will only help us with studies... And specially you Gian, no sticking around Suneo and you won't disturb him while he is studying... Otherwise you can be with him all you want in our free time...

Gian: okay Nobita I won't disturb any one of you when you are studying...

Nobita: hmm good...

Doraemon: yeahh I also won't disturb any one...

Nobita: hmm good for you broo...

Dekisugi: so how about we all meet at my home, we can study there and I will arrange the library for all of us to study.... And also prepare rooms for any emergency...

Suneo: good one brooo...

Shizuka: soo it's decided that we all will go to Dekisugi home every day after school....

Arin: yeahhh!!



Heyyoooooo cutiessss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'

Hope you all liked this chapter....

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And now, Byeee byeee see you in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned...

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