Is Dekisugi possessed by some ghost??

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Dekisugi: don't make those faces or I will not be able to control myself anymore (said in low voice more like whispered to himself)

Nobita: huh? Did you said something?

Dekisugi: I said, we should go and have our lunch they all might be waiting for us...
(Saying that he picked Nobita up from counter top and placed him on the ground)

Nobita: I would have done that myself...

Dekisugi: Its done already... Now let's go....
(He picked up the milk shake tray and made his way outside)

Dekisugi: you coming or not...?

Nobita: yeahh I am coming.. give me some too.. why are you picking all of them up by yourself it might be heavy....?

Dekisugi turned to look at him and said..

Dekisugi: this is nothing.. I can pick you also up while having this tray in my hand so let me handle this and you just follow me....
(With saying that he again started walking outside)

Nobita stood there too stunned to speak. It was a whole new experience for him to cope up with...

Dekisugi: are you coming or do you really want me to pick you up in bridal style 😏....
(Said with a light smirk visible on his face)

Nobita: no need to do anything, I am coming.....

And he started walking fast, more like running outside of the kitchen to reach the dinning table as soon as possible....

They both reached the dinning table, Nobita took a seat beside Doraemon..

Dekisugi placed the beverage on the table and took a seat beside Nobita...
(So basically Nobita is seated in between Dekisugi and Doraemon)

Shizuka who was about to take one glass notice that there were 6 strawberry flavoured milkshake and 1 chocolate one. So she thought of asking Dekisugi about it...

Shizuka: Dekisugi??

Dekisugi: yess?

Shizuka: why are there 6 strawberry milkshake and 1 chocolate milkshake?

Dekisugi: ohh that!! The strawberry milkshake is for the 6 of us (while pointing towards himself, Doraemon, Shizuka, Arin, Suneo and Gian one by one.) and the chocolate one is for Nobita.

Gian: And why is that so?

Dekisugi: because Nobita is allergic to strawberries, if you all forgot....

Doraemon suddenly stood up on shock and said..

Doraemon: ohhh whattt!! How did I forgot that.....

Nobita: you forgetting this is still valid.. But, how can I also forget, that I am allergic to strawberries.. woahhh!! I can't believe myself...

Dekisugi turned towards Nobita and leaned towards his ear saying....

Dekisugi: it's okay!! You don't need to remember everything.. I am there for you to remember all these things in your place...
(Said just so that Nobita can hear him)

Nobita again looked at Dekisugi and gave him a light smile after hearing him..

(Nobita in mind: woahhh!! Is this really Dekisugi I know? Or is he possessed by some ghost or something?? Why is he behaving like this?? And what's with those cheesey lines??)

Dekisugi then turned back to his friends and said.

Dekisugi: it's okayy guys!! Now let's start eating I am already sooo much hungry....

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